LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy


Release Date: September 12, 2006

Action, TPP, science fiction, Star Wars, LEGO, movies, humorous, for 2 players, co-op, splitscreen, PS Plus Premium, multiplayer, singleplayer

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LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is a continuation of one of the best made electronic and entertainment products of 2005. According to the subtitle, this time the developers focused on three episodes of the Star Wars film cycle, shot by George Lucas in 1977-1983.

With a comical take on the Star Wars Trilogy that revolutionized pop culture forever (Episode IV A New Hope, Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI Return of the Jedi), LEGO Star Wars II follows the Rebel Alliance's battle to dismantle the Galactic Empire and rebuild a galaxy in pieces. From Darth Vader's pursuit of Princess Leia aboard her Blockade Runner to a showdown on the reconstructed Death Star, the game includes even more of the family-friendly LEGO action, puzzles and humor that earned the original LEGO Star Wars such popularity and acclaim.

And much more new to offer, it still has. For the first time ever, levels feature vehicles and creatures that players can ride or exit at will. Also, in LEGO Star Wars II's Free Play mode, gamers can customize more than 50 new playable characters by mixing and matching body parts, to build their own LEGO Star Wars heroes. And on certain platforms, a game save from the first LEGO Star Wars can unlock as many as 56 additional characters for Free Play -- that's more than 100 characters total, plus millions of possible creations! Other exciting additions include the ability to Free Play with vehicles, cool new character-specific attacks and maneuvers, playable mini-kit vehicles, an optional advanced mode for experienced players and more.

Last updated on August 14, 2015

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Game Guide

Last Update: November 13, 2006

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Game Guide

Walkthrough, hints and more. LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy takes the fun and endless customization of LEGO and combines it with the epic story, characters and action from the original Star Wars movies that revolutionized pop culture forever.

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Game Guide

Videos and Screens

[0:08] LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Episode VI - Jabba's Palace (3)

[0:08] LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Fontanna LEGO



in LEGO Star Wars Game Series

Game Series

LEGO Star Wars Series

Aimed mainly at the youngest, the series of arcade action games depicting the Star Wars universe in the form of LEGO bricks. The studio responsible for its creation is Traveller's Tales, which also presented in a similar way the worlds of Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

6 video games

LEGO Star Wars Game Series

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows September 12, 2006

PlayStation 5

PlayStation 5 June 18, 2024

PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 June 18, 2024

Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS September 12, 2006

Xbox 360

Xbox 360 September 12, 2006

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable September 12, 2006

PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2 September 12, 2006


Xbox September 12, 2006


GameCube September 12, 2006

Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Advance September 12, 2006

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium 4 2 GHz, 512 MB RAM, graphic card 128MB (Geforce4 or better), 3.5 GB HDD, Windows 2000/XP/Vista

Sony PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2

Supports: memory card 8 MB

Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Advance

Supports: link-cable additionally (GBA): link-cable

Nintendo GameCube


Supports: memory card

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable

Supports: memory card 32 MB

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Games with Gold in January 2020

We have learned the list of games that will be available in January as part of the Xbox Live Gold subscription. Xbox owners will be able to play Styx: Shards of Darkness, Batman: The Telltale Series, Tekken 6 and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.

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