Sonic Runners

Sonic Runners


End of Life: June 27, 2016

Arcade, platformers, Sonic, auto-runner, singleplayer

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A mobile game and a part of one of the most popular franchises in history. The production is a blend of a platformer and a typical runner game, set in the universe of Sonic the Hedgehog. You can not only play as the main character, but also as his friends, including Tails the Fox and Knuckles. The levels, called “episodes” in-game, are endless, although you can progress to the next one after earning a certain amount of points.

Sonic Runners, released on AND and iOS, is an arcade game, combining the elements of the platformer and the endless runner genre. The game was developed by Sega's in-house team and is available in a free-to-play model with microtransactions.


In Sonic Runners, we can choose from three characters - the titular blue hedgehog Sonic, a fox Tails and an echidna named Knuckles. All the heroes start the game with the same running speed, however, each of them also has a unique special skill. For example, Sonic can make a triple jump, while Knuckles specializes in brutal attack with spiked gloves.

The fun is enriched by extensive platform elements. Maps are full of different shelves, obstacles and enemies. In addition, a lot of valuable items have been scattered around them, and from time to time, we also have to deal with bosses. The game also has a development system. In the first group, we can improve our character's skills in three categories - speed, strength and aerobatics. In the second, we can unlock and upgrade companions who provide specific bonuses.

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Last updated on October 29, 2019

Videos and Screens

[0:30] Sonic Runners trailer



in Sonic Game Series

Game Series

Sonic Series

A best-selling series of platformers featuring a blue hedgehog capable of supersonic speeds in the title role. The series is developed by the SEGA corporation with the support of the internal Sonic Team studio and external developers.

56 video games

Sonic Game Series

Sonic Runners Summary


Android OS

Android OS February 4, 2015 June 27, 2016 (EOL)

Apple iOS

Apple iOS January 28, 2015 June 27, 2016 (EOL)

Developer: Sega

Publisher: Sega

Age restrictions: none

Sonic Runners System Requirements

Android OS

Android OS

Additional information: Internet connection is required

Apple iOS

Apple iOS

Additional information: Internet connection is required