A colorful 2D platformer that continues the long-standing game series developed by the Ubisoft company. At the same time, it is the third installment designed with mobile platforms in mind. The story of Rayman Adventures revolves around a sacred tree growing in the middle of a magic forest. When the ancient eggs that sustain the tree are stolen, the task of bringing them back falls on no one else than the brave Rayman.
Videos and Screens
[0:58] Rayman Adventures launch trailer
[1:34] Rayman Adventures trailer
Rayman Adventures Description
Rayman Adventures is a 2D platformer created for AND and iOS devices by an internal development studio of the Ubisoft company.
The storyline in the newest installment of Rayman revolves around a sacred tree, which stands in the middle of an enchanted, magical forest. The eggs that provided the tree with extraordinary powers have been stolen and it is up to the player to recover them. The game offers an extensive single player campaign, during which you have the opportunity to participate in a grand quest; whilst on your journey, you will get a chance explore countless locations, featuring various environments and structures, e.g. grim castles, awe-inspiring strongholds, or the mystical islands of Olympus. Rayman does not set out on his brand new adventure alone and is accompanied by a gallant Viking – a heroine called Barbara.
Similarly to the previous mobile productions in the series, such as Rayman Jungle Run or Rayman Fiesta Run, Rayman Adventures is an auto-runner type platformer. Our hero is constantly racing forward and the player can order him to jump, slide, or change direction with an appropriate motion on the touchscreen. Simultaneously, the levels are open to a degree that allows the players the freedom of exploration.
The eggs, which are fundamental to the storyline, are not just simple objects - they have the form of intelligent beings known as the Incrediballs and are able to aid us on our journey. Collecting these mysterious creatures and utilizing their powers appropriately is a key gameplay element.
The game is meant exclusively for single player playthroughs; however, the players can compete with each other through a very unique ranking system, which takes the form of a personalized version of the sacred tree, that grows whenever we succeed, allowing us to compare our own achievement to those of other users.
Just like in the case of its predecessors, Rayman Adventures for AND and iOS boasts itself with beautiful and impressive graphics, powered by the UbiArt Framework engine, which grants the game with 60 FPS, a high level of details and realistic simulation of particle effects.
Last updated on December 1, 2015
in Rayman Game Series
Game Series
Rayman Series
Popular among gamers (regardless of age) age series of platformers with a friendly creature in the title role. The creator of the series is French game designer Michel Ancel. The brand is owned by the Ubisoft corporation, and its development is mainly supervised by the Ubisoft Montpellier studio.
20 video games
Rayman Adventures Summary
Android OS
Apple iOS
Developer: Ubisoft Montpellier
Publisher: Ubisoft
Age restrictions: none