Poker Masters

Poker Masters


Release Date: March 25, 2005

Sports, gambling, card games, Poker, singleplayer

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Poker Masters is an item created by Liquid Games to show us the world of a fascinating card game, which is certainly poker. Winning here depends not only on the player's skills, but also on the accuracy of the opponents' rating and bluffing. A bit of luck is also welcome.

Poker Masters is a game created by Liquid Games in order to show us the world of a fascinating card game, which certainly is poker. Winning here depends not only on the player's skills, but also on the ability to judge our oppoenets and bluff. A bit of luck is also welcome.

The game offers two modes: Career Mode, where we start playing for a few dollars on a box located in a dark corner to face stronger and stronger opponents and end our career fighting for millions of dollars in an exclusive casino, and Single Game, where we can choose one of the 12 available opponents and play a poker game at one of the 5 difficulty levels.

We can develop our skills and strategies in one of the poker games offered by Poker Masters: Texas Hold 'Em, Omaha, 5 Card Draw, Caribbean Stud and 7 Card Stud. Additionally, the developers have implemented tutorials for each of the aforementioned types, which explain the rules of the game in an accessible way.

Last updated on May 15, 2020

Poker Masters Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows March 24, 2006

PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2 March 25, 2005

Developer: Liquid Games

Publisher: Liquid Games