Pokemon Silver
Release Date: September 22, 2017
RPG, science fiction, turn-based, 2D, Pokemon, co-op, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, LAN
A new edition of the franchise's classic installment. Along with Pokemon Gold, the game constitutes the so-called second generation of the main video game series. The original version had its debut in Japan in 1999, and was released for Game Boy Color. More than fifteen years later, the game returns, coming out for Nintendo 3DS. Pokemon Silver is set in a fictional world inhabited by the titular creatures.
Pokemon Silver for 3DS is an emulated port of the second installment in the popular Pokemon series, which is one of Ninendo's most important franchises. Pokemon Silver is only a different version of Pokemon Gold, and both the games belong to the so-called second generation of the series. The original version was developed by GameFreak for the Game Boy Color hand-held; this port on the other hand, came out for Nintendo 3DS.
The story depicted in Pokemon Silver is set three years after the events from Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue. Assuming the role of another Pokemon trainer, the player begins their adventure in their character's hometown – during the journey, the player will visit the Johto region, meet new species of the titular creatures, as well as compete against the best local trainers.
Contrary to Pokemon SoulSilver (2009), Pokemon Silver is a port, which remains faithful to the original version for GBC. As in 1999, the game introduced many novelties in relation to the initial installments of the series. First of all, the aforementioned new region appeared, where one will find both creatures they are familiar with, and a hundred completely new species of Pokemon, such as the legendary Lugia – this installment's mascot. The game also introduces new types of Pokemon: Steel and Dark – each of them has both strong and weak spots. Some of those Pokemon are available only in Pokemon Gold, so catching all of them requires using a system for exchange with other players.
The second generation of the franchise brings a lot of innovation to the mechanics. The players can use new kinds of items, such as the previously unavailable types of Poke Balls. Also, the game introduces both a day-night cycle (certain Pokemon can be caught only at specific times) and a weekly one, apart from improved interface, new creature statistics and attacks. Moreover, the player can breed Pokemon here, in order to obtain specimens with statistics and movement patterns inherited from their parents, as well as to acquire the so-called Shiny Pokemon – incredibly rare color versions of all the titular creatures.
Technical aspects
Pokemon Silver for 3DS does not introduce any changes in relation to the original edition. As a result, the game comes with old-school graphics reminiscent of Game Boy, though instead of gray accents in Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue, the player receives colorful visuals complemented by 8-bit music composed by Junichi Masuda. What is new here is an ability to play and exchange with others via the local wireless network. Furthermore, Pokemon Silver supports the PokeBank application, which allows the player to transfer their subordinates to new installments, such as Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Ultra Moon.
Last updated on September 16, 2017
in Pokemon Game Series
Game Series
Pokemon Series
The bestselling jRPG game series, which is one of the most important brands in the Nintendo Group's publishing portfolio. Development studios Game Freak and Creatures Inc. are working on the development of the series.
45 video games
Pokemon Silver Summary
Nintendo 3DS
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Age restrictions: 12+
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