Pokemon Gold
Release Date: September 22, 2017
RPG, science fiction, turn-based, 2D, Pokemon, co-op, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, LAN
New edition of a classic entry in the Pokemon series and part of the so-called second generation along with Pokemon Silver. The original game debuted in 1999 in Japan for the Game Boy Color handheld, and then has been released on Nintendo 3DS console family more than fifteen years later.
Pokemon Gold is an emulated port of the second entry in the popular Pokemon series, one of the major franchises of Nintendo company. It is a twin version of Pokemon Silver and both games belong to the so-called second generation of the franchise. The original has been created for Game Boy Color handheld by Game Freak studio, while the port was released for the Nintendo 3DS family.
The story of shown in Pokemon Gold for 3DS takes place three years after events of Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue. Players act as yet another trainer starting the adventure in the protagonist’s family town – it lead through the Johto region, letting the player catch new species of titular creatures and face strongest trainers around.
Game mechanics
Unlike 2009’s Pokemon HeartGold, Pokemon Gold is a faithful port of the original Game Boy Color’s game. Like in 1999, it introduces features not seen in the first entries in the series. List of novelties starts with new region of Johto, inhabited not only by known pokemon, but also 100 previously unseen species, including legendaries like Ho-Oh, a mascot of the game. There are also two new types of them: steel and dark, both with their own pros and cons. Some of them can only be obtained in Pokemon Gold, so completing Pokedex requires trading with other players.
Second generation also introduces novelties to gameplay. Players can use new items, including previously not existing types of pokeballs. There are also daily and weekly cycles (some pokemon can only be caught during a certain time of a day), improved interface, new statistics and attacks of creatures. List of changes is closed by breeding system (which lets player obtain pokemon with moves and statistics inherited after their parents) and Shiny – extremely rare colors variants for all species.
Technical aspects
Pokemon Silver for 3DS doesn’t change the original game, offering old-school visuals of Game Boy Color, although shades of grey from Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue are replaced with color graphics. The visual side is complemented by 8-bit music soundtrack composed by Junichi Masuda. However, there are two technical novelties, one the being support for local wireless connection for trading and playing with others, and the other is that players can use PokeBank application to transfer their pokemon to newer games from the series, like Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon.
Last updated on September 14, 2017
in Pokemon Game Series
Game Series
Pokemon Series
The bestselling jRPG game series, which is one of the most important brands in the Nintendo Group's publishing portfolio. Development studios Game Freak and Creatures Inc. are working on the development of the series.
45 video games
Pokemon Gold Summary
Nintendo 3DS
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Age restrictions: 12+
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