Another installment of the Painkiller series, this time developed by Eggtooth Team, a studio that started its career by creating fan mods for the previous installments in the franchise. The story is focused on Daniel Garner and Belial who join forces to put an end to the bloody conflict between heaven and hell. The developers prepared a new solo campaign in which we have to kill six thousand enemies.
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[1:34] Painkiller: Redemption gameplay #1
Average score from 334 votes. 54 players anticipated the game.
Painkiller: Redemption Description
Painkiller: Redemption for PC is a game that belongs to the popular FPS series created by People Can Fly. This time around, the development was handled by Eggtooth Team, a studio that began its career as a group of fans creating mods. The publisher liked one of their projects so much that they decided to make it into a full-fledged commercial product.
The game continues the story of Daniel and Belial who have to join forces for the first time to put an end to the bloody conflict between heaven and hell once and for all. Redemption features a new campaign that should provide about 3-5 hours of gameplay.
To complete Painkiller: Redemption for PC, we need to kill over six thousand enemies, which is more than in any previous installment of the series. In total, the game offers six new maps therefore each one features over an average of one thousand monsters.
Defeating such hordes is no small task, especially given the improvement of the enemies’ artificial intelligence. The ability to transform into a demon having collected the right amount of souls should help us through, though.
Last updated on July 26, 2017
in Painkiller Game Series
Game Series
Painkiller Series
A series of first-person shooters (FPS) in the climate of bloody horror. The series was started by People Can Fly studio, and its development involved such development teams as Eggtooth, Mindware Studios, Med-Art and The Farm 51.
8 video games
Painkiller: Redemption Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Eggtooth Team
Publisher: JoWooD Entertainment AG
Painkiller: Redemption System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 4 2.4GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 7800 or better), 2 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7