Homefront Video Game Series
Homefront Series Evolution
Homefront: The Revolution

Homefront: The Revolution
May 17, 2016
A sequel to a first-person shooter from KAOS Studios. As the game's former publisher, the THQ company, went bankrupt, it was developed by Crytek UK studio. The game continues the story of a fictional armed conflict between North Korea and USA. The game takes you to the streets of occupied Philadelphia, where you become a member of the resistance. Waging a campaign of guerilla warfare you have to stand up to the invaders and start a nation-wide revolution. The Revolution, as did its prequel, provides the players with a considerable degree of non-linearity when it comes to both the completion order and the way you complete the missions. You can recruit more people for the resistance and upgrade your gear and weapons. Technology-wise, the game is powered by the CryEngine 4, supporting highly interactive environment and high quality visuals.

March 15, 2011
A first-person shooter developed by KAOS Studios (Frontlines: Fuel of War). The scenario was written by John Milius, the screenwriter for Apocalypse Now. Homefront presents a vision of a near future where, after an economical crisis, the United States were suddenly attacked and eventually occupied by North Korea. The player assumes the role of a member of resistance and together with two companions he completes various missions aimed at the occupant. Various weapon types, both modern and futuristic ones, can be used against the opponents. Sequences during which the player controls vehicles such as a helicopter or a Humvee make the game more interesting. Homefront was inspired by such well-known shooters as Half-Life and Call of Duty. Similarly as those titles, it offers a linear singleplayer campaign. In addition to that, the game offers expanded multiplayer mode. Multiplayer battles take place on a greater scale than in singleplayer and vehicles are very important in them. Additionally, players can unlock new weapons and gadgets for points obtained during the game.
Homefront Series News

4K Remaster of TimeSplitters 2 Hidden in Homefront Only for Dev to Lose Access Code
While playing Homefront: The Revolution, you can also fire up the remaster of the TimeSplitters 2 shooter in 4K on the digital machine. A separate, enhanced version of that game didn't come out and it's all the fault of a certain lost notebook.
video games
Karol Laska
April 6, 2021