A mobile role-playing game by ilmfinity, based on the Pokemon franchise. The production takes place in the land of Zenith, which combines a modern setting with fantasy elements. The protagonist is an Evoker — a person who specializes in catching and training creatures called Creos.
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EvoCreo Description
EvoCreo is an AND and iOS RPG modelled after the famous Pokemon series. The game was developed and published by ilmfinity.
The action takes place in the land of Zenith, combining the modern level of technology with numerous elements of a fantasy setting. We play the role of a young man, who is the so-called evoker, a specialist in catching and training wild beasts known as Creos. The story begins with the disappearance of the hero's father. Trying to find him, you will quickly find traces of the mysterious organization known as Shadow Hive, whose aim is to take control of the world. Our task is, of course, to thwart these plans.
EvoCreo is a game that aims to recreate the solutions used in the early installments of the Pokemon series on mobile devices. So we get an RPG with a big open world, and while having fun we explore the land, talk to NPCs, undertake tasks and buy supplies in shops.
Catching Creos plays a key role in the game. I total, there are more than 130 species in the game and each of them can evolve to increase its combat potential and gain new abilities. We use the beasts to fight with other trainers in turn-based battles. The outcome of the skirmishes depends mainly on the characteristics of both sides (some types of creatures are particularly susceptible to specific attacks), but the player must also manually give orders and activate skills, and the appropriate tactics can turn the scales of victory on their side.
Game modes
The game offers an extensive story campaign that takes at least forty hours to complete. There is also a multiplayer mode, which enables us to face other players in arenas.
Last updated on February 5, 2020
EvoCreo Summary
Android OS July 6, 2015
Apple iOS May 7, 2015