A mobile RPG based on the world and characters featured in Rick and Morty, an animated series broadcasted on Adult Swim (American cable network). Similarly to the original, Pocket Mortys tells the story of a mad alcoholic scientist, Rick Sanchez, and his naive 14-year-old grandson, Mortimer Smith. The plot revolves around Rick's failed experiment that brought creatures from another dimension to Earth, and our task is, obviously, to stop them.
Videos and Screens
[0:30] Pocket Mortys trailer
Pocket Mortys Description
Pocket Mortys, released on AND and iOS, is a turn-based RPG which is an adaptation of Rick and Morty animated series. The game is available in a free-to-play model with microtransactions and was developed by Adult Swim Games studio.
Just like the animated series, Pocket Mortys tells the story of two characters - Rick Sanchez, a crazy scientist suffering from alcoholism, and his naive 14-year-old grandson Mortimer Smith. The plot revolves around the unsuccessful experiment of the first of these characters bringing entities from another dimension to Earth. Our task is, of course, to stop them.
Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, the producers of the animated series, took part in the production. Thanks to this, the plot and atmosphere of the game remain faithful to the original cartoon.
The mechanics of Pocket Mortys are a parody of the Pokemon series. The action is observed from a bird's eye view, and the gameplay consists mainly of exploring the world, performing tasks and fighting turn-based battles.
We fight using numerous characters and various creatures - the whole game revolves around collecting and training them to develop statistics and increase their combat potential.
Last updated on December 17, 2019
Pocket Mortys Summary
Android OS
Apple iOS
Developer: Adult Swim Games
Publisher: Adult Swim Games
Age restrictions: none