Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten

Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten

Age of Empires II HD: Forgotten Empires


Age of Empires II: HD Edition Expansion Pack

Release Date: November 7, 2013

Strategy, RTS, the middle ages, isometric view, remaster/remake, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet

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The first official expansion for the remastered edition of the cult-classic strategy game – Age of Empires II: HD Edition, developed by Hidden Path Entertainment. The expansion is a commercial version of Forgotten Empires, a fan-made modification, and was developed as a joint effort between SkyBox Labs Vancouver and the authors of the modification.

Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten for PC is an official add-on for the remastered edition of a popular installment of renowned strategy series. At first, The Forgotten was a fan modification, but as the time passed, the project was transformed into a premium DLC for Age of Empires II: HD Edition. The expansion was developed by the modders in cooperation with SkyBox Labs Vancouver.


The Forgotten takes the players to Southern Europe, introducing four new complex medieval campaigns, each dedicated to a different historic house (Alaric, Sforza, Bari, and Dracula). Aside from that, the add-on introduces five new civilizations: Italian, Indian, Slavic, Hungarian, and Inca, each with its own units, buildings, and tech tree.

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Last updated on January 5, 2017

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Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Age restrictions: none

Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium 4 1.2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 7600 GS or better), 2 GB HDD, Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8

Age of Empires II: HD Edition

Base Gamefor Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten

Age of Empires II: HD Edition

Age of Empires II: HD Edition