Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings


Release Date: September 28, 1999

Strategy, RTS, the middle ages, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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The second installment belonging to an incredibly popular series of real-time strategy games. Age of Empires II: The Age of the Kings was developed by Ensemble Studios. The player assumes command of a civilization chosen (13 in total here) and leads them through subsequent stages of development. For example, one can play as Franks, Mongols, Celts or Vikings.

Age of Empires II: The Age of the Kings for PC and PS2 is the continuation of the Age of Empires series – one of the most acclaimed series in the RTS genre, which was first released in 1996, as a product of the cooperation between Ensemble Studios and Microsoft. Similarly to the original game, The Age of the Kings was created mainly for PC players, but the game also received a PS2 version two years after its debut.


The general gameplay formula used in Age of Empires II: The Age of the Kings does not differ significantly from the mechanics of the first game. The player becomes a leader of one of the available civilizations. Their goal is to achieve global dominance throughout four subsequent epochs, namely the dark age, the feudal age, the castle age, and the imperial age. In order to succeed, the player has to gather resources, such as food, stone, wood or gold, as well as to develop their settlement gradually – this is done through constructing new buildings and unlocking access to the latest technological advancements. However, The Age of the Kings also requires players to fight – players not only have to defend their property, but also attack their neighbors in order to obtain new lands.

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Last updated on November 7, 2018


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in Age of Empires Game Series

Game Series

Age of Empires Series

The bestselling series of real-time strategy (RTS) games, which is under the publishing supervision of Microsoft. Over the years, the development of the series has been handled by various development studios. Its first three installments were developed by the now-defunct Ensemble Studios, while the fourth part of the series was the work of the Relic Entertainment and World's Edge teams (which in 2019 was entrusted with the care of the series). In addition, such studios as Forgotten Empires, Griptonite Games, Gas Powered Games, Hidden Path Entertainment, Smoking Gun Interactive and TiMi Studios made their mark on the brand.

16 video games

Age of Empires Game Series

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows September 28, 1999

PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2 November 2, 2001

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium 233MHz, 32MB RAM

Sony PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2

Supports: memory card 8 MB

Age of Empires Sales Remain Great

Age of Empires Sales Remain Great

Across 20 years of its history, various games from the Age of Empires series have sold 25 million copies. The franchise has made a billion dollars in total. Such information can be found in the CV of Brian Sullivan, co-founder of Ensemble Studios.

video games

Milosz Szubert

February 12, 2020

Age of Empires Sales Remain Great