Developed by the Canadian studio Laundry Bear Games, A Mortician’s Tale is an adventure game that with arcade elements. In the game, the player assumes the role of a little girl by the name of Charlie, who has recently finished a course preparing her for a job at a mortuary. After an internship at a small family business, she begins working for a large corporation, which offered her better conditions and some entirely new challenges.
A Mortician's Tale Description
A Mortician’s Tale is a PC adventure game featuring certain arcade elements, which addresses the topic of working at a funeral home. The game has been developed by Canadian studio, Laundry Bear Games.
In the game, a player assumes the role of a little girl by the name of Charlie, who has recently finished a course preparing her for a job at a funeral home. She quickly becomes employed at a small company owned by the Rose family, where she earns her spurs. After some time, the company is taken over by a major corporation, which leads to the change of the working conditions and provides Charlie with some new challenges.
The PC release of A Mortician’s Tale is a narrative adventure game enriched with certain arcade elements. During the game, one has to interact with the ghosts of the deceased and learn their stories eventually to comfort those in grief. At the same time, a player has to prepare the bodies for funerals – in total, during the game a player has to prepare eight bodies using authentic techniques and tools utilized at the funeral homes. These sections of the game have a form of arcade mini-games.
The developers aimed not only at delivering an interesting form of entertainment but also at expanding players’ knowledge on the topics of funerals and death. This is why during the game, one can learn about every fact surrounding the funeral industry and the changes that are about to come. Moreover, the game presents a more positive approach towards the aspect of death than the one we are all used to – this measure might result in alleviating the fear of the inevitable end of one’s existence.
Last updated on July 25, 2017
A Mortician's Tale Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Laundry Bear Games
Publisher: Laundry Bear Games
Age restrictions: 16+