Main quests - QUEST 1: Death from Above - part 1 | Main quests


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Received from: Elder Lyons [Citadel - B Ring]

Walkthrough: The game should automatically initiate a new conversation with Elder Lyons. This conversation may contain several additional dialogue lines depending on the choices you've made. Basically you can say you're sorry if Sara's dead or you can ask if she's okay if she didn't enter the chamber [#4]. You can ask Lyons about changes to the wasteland while you were in a coma. You'll soon be given an opportunity to help the Brotherhood of Steel once again. Lyons will nominate you to become one of the knights and he'll ask you to go and talk to Scribe Rothchild for new instructions.

[#4] - Main quests - QUEST 1: Death from Above - part 1 - Main quests - Fallout 3: Broken Steel - Game Guide and Walkthrough


Notice that during your conversation with Lyons you've been awarded experience points for completing the last main quest of Fallout 3 (more than 1500 points!!). You can also tell him about your encounters with supermutants in Vault 87 for additional experience points. Once this conversation has ended you can examine Sara's body (assuming she's still alive) [#5], interact with a medical computer, talk to a medical robot or ask your follower(s) to join you (they should be standing inside this room). Go to Citadel - laboratory.

[#5] - Main quests - QUEST 1: Death from Above - part 1 - Main quests - Fallout 3: Broken Steel - Game Guide and Walkthrough


You can find Scribe Rothchild easily by using your personal map - he's usually somewhere near the mess hall. Approach him and initiate a new conversation. Inform Rothchild that you want to assist the brotherhood in their problems. You must now follow Rothchild to a large screen located on the lab wall. Listen to a short briefing [#6] on what's happening in the Capitol Wasteland. Your next assignment will be to get in contact with paladin Tristan. I would recommend asking Rothchild a few additional questions about Liberty Prime's status or the purifier. Once you're done talking exit the Citadel.

[#6] - Main quests - QUEST 1: Death from Above - part 1 - Main quests - Fallout 3: Broken Steel - Game Guide and Walkthrough


The area where you must now go is located in the lower left corner of the map. Obviously it's a very isolated zone, so you'll have to be ready to take part in a long journey. I would recommend fast travelling to Dunwich Building and starting your trip from there. If you haven't unlocked this location yet, consider fast travelling to Warrington Trainyard unlocked during Tenpenny Tower subquest. You'll soon arrive at a Rockland Car Tunnel [#7]. Don't attack the brotherhood soldier! Instead approach him and use a nearby door to enter the building.

[#7] - Main quests - QUEST 1: Death from Above - part 1 - Main quests - Fallout 3: Broken Steel - Game Guide and Walkthrough


It would be a good idea to explore small stashes along the way, because most of the crates will contain ammunition for your weapons. Once you've arrived in a much bigger room go to your right and talk to paladin Tristan [#8]. Confirm that you want to assist the brotherhood in the operation against the Enclave. You can also ask Tristan a few additional questions concerning your rescue and what the Enclave has been up to recently. Once you're done talking to him follow brotherhood members to a door leading to Satellite Relay Station.

[#8] - Main quests - QUEST 1: Death from Above - part 1 - Main quests - Fallout 3: Broken Steel - Game Guide and Walkthrough


Make sure to choose a plasma rifle or an equally powerful weapon from your inventory, however you shouldn't be taking part in any fights here. Notice that Liberty Prime has arrived in the area and your only goal will be to follow the mech while maintaining a safe distance. Don't attack Enclave soldiers if you don't want to receive injuries. Don't worry - Liberty Prime and your allies will take care of the opposition. Try not to get hit too many times. These fights will take about a minute. Move back when you'll hear a warning about an upcoming bombardment. Take cover behind a small building [#9] and observe how Liberty Prime is being destroyed. Once the explosions have ocurred talk to Tristan again and listen to his new plan. He'll order you to gain access to the station in order to find out the details of the recent attack.

[#9] - Main quests - QUEST 1: Death from Above - part 1 - Main quests - Fallout 3: Broken Steel - Game Guide and Walkthrough


Notice that the explosions not only have destroyed Liberty Prime, but they've also resulted in all nearby soldiers being killed. This is why it was extremely important to move back, because otherwise you would be among them. It would be a good idea to spend some time looting their bodies for much needed supplies, especially when it comes to finding ammunition for a plasma rifle. Notice that all Enclave soldiers were using Tesla armors. Take one of the armors unless a similar object is already in your possession. Once you're ready to move on find a large hole in the wall [#10]. This is where Liberty Prime was standing prior to its destruction. Turn right and open the door leading to the Satellite Facility.

[#10] - Main quests - QUEST 1: Death from Above - part 1 - Main quests - Fallout 3: Broken Steel - Game Guide and Walkthrough


Fallout 3: Broken Steel

May 5, 2009

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