Game Mechanics - Region Management - Riots and revolutions | Region management Empire: TW Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Riots are the result of people unhappiness. You can check this statistic for each province.
If these statistics are below zero, you may expect some troubles.
Riots and their effects
Act I: It starts with the workers protest. It is a warning that some provinces may have some real problems.
Act II: Now we have riots. During this faze some building may be damaged (as a matter of fact they won't be working properly).
Act III: If the strike is in the less important province then it may be taken by the rebels. Also when the province was an independent country in the past its citizens may want to be independent once again.
Act IV: when the revolution will come to the capital city a special group of rebels will be created. Their goal will be to abolish the ruler and his cabinet. In this situation you may have to chose if you want to stand upon the rebels or the present cabinet.
When you will chose to support the present cabinet you will have to defeat army of the rebels in few battles. But if you want to join revolutionists, you will have to conquer the capital city. In the second option the general happiness level of your citizens will increase as a result of the changes in political system.
WARNING! If you will be defeated (no matter on which side) the campaign will immediately end.
1. Remember than you can react immediately. For example you can decrease taxes. These type of action will change situation in the whole country.
2. If there is a good situation in the whole country and only one province is getting on your nerves then you can try to exempt this region from tax. You can enable this option in the proper check box.
3. A very effective way to prevent the revolution is to deploy some more regiments in provinces with higher risk of rebel. You will be able to see revolutionists army on the map. Defeat them and the local people will loose faith that they can change anything.
4. Sometimes riots can be result of the religious differences. Send there some priests to calm down the situation.
5. Sometimes the only thing you have to do is to increase repressions - build some administration buildings.
6. If your citizens need some more entertainment build theater or opera house.
7. Change your justice minister - new politician may be better at repressing your people. You can also decide to organize earlier elections. This option can be good only if all your ministers have poor statistics (this solution cannot be performed in absolute monarchy).