Zombies: Aion, Rift, Tera. Games that went free-to-play and died anyway

Patrick Manelski

Zombies: Aion, Rift, Tera

  1. Released: November 25, 2008; March 1 2011; May 1, 2012
  2. Went F2P: 28 February 2012; 12 June 2013; 5 February 2013

Lastly, we have three titles that have gone virtually down the same path. This is because they started out as a paid and successful MMORPG. Aion was a kind of Lineage 2.5, Rift was a pleasant alternative to World of Warcraft, and Tera offered a unique combat system. What do these games have in common?

Over time, they went off-course, and couldn't keep enough players with them. That's why they moved to a free-to-play model. This change turned out to be only a temporary remedy to the problems, because lack of gameplay novelties paired with aggressive in-game shop expansion is never a way to success. Today, these games are but a shadow of their former selves, and while they are not yet dead, they're definitely agonal.

They're also proof that simply going free-to-play when our game needs second life isn't enough. For a game to remain viable, it needs regular updates and a clear idea for development. Otherwise, some new production will come along doing the same thing, only better – and that will be it.


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Patrick Manelski

Author: Patrick Manelski

A fanatic of MMO-games, who's lost in the fantasy world. He won't say no to a good book or TV series.