The Bureau: XCOM Declassified – green men attack again. 10 Games in Which USA Saves the World

- Top 10 Games in Which Americans Save the World
- Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. – Abraham Lincoln will teach you a lesson
- Wolfenstein (series) – hunting down Nazis
- Alpha Protocol – Top Secret and Highly Confidential
- Metal Wolf Chaos – mecha-president
- Saints Row IV – A president with a pair
- Broforce – strength in numbers
- The Bureau: XCOM Declassified – green men attack again
- Tom Clancy's The Division 2 – Apocalypse, again
- Serious Sam (series) - Uncle...?
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified – green men attack again

- Developer: 2K Marin
- Publisher: 2K Games
- Genre: action
- Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360
- Release: August 20, 2013
We mostly associate the XCOM franchise with strategy games, and that's not surprising. In recent years, the cycle's been reinvigorated with two great installments – the mentioned Enemy Unknown and Enemy Within. In 2013, 2K Games tried to take the series in a slightly different direction – they made a TPP shooter with elements of strategy called The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. Production faced a rather cool reception, which clearly contrasted with the excellent reviews of the XCOM from Firaxis Games. The idea was eventually abandoned after one game – and that's a pity because it wasn't so bad after all.
The Bureau shows the origins of the organization that we lead in other games from the franchise – then, the agency was known as, simply, the Bureau. It was obviously established by the United States' government to fight the commies. Everything changes when alien invade Earth, and the Bureau becomes the only force able to protect our planet from their aggression. The American character of this production is also apparent in the location design – some places look as if they were taken from a photo album signed Texas, 1965.
Why is it worth it?
Because this is not a bad game, and it gives a chance to learn the story we thought we knew, from a different perspective.