League of Legends – Mordekaiser's Book of Glitches. The most infamous bugs of online games

Patrick Manelski

League of Legends – Mordekaiser's Book of Glitches

League of Legends is the most popular MOBA in the world, and it has undergone a huge number of changes during the ten years of its existence. It has more than one hundred and fifty characters, among which there is one very specific – Mordekaiser. One dedicated player decided to collect all the bugs associated with this hero, creating the legendary list of more than 290 problems, described in about 300 pages. You can find the whole thing here. Don't expect any bugs that are exciting or amusing. These are mostly minor inconveniences. However, their sheer volume made Mordekaiser the subject of jokes and the subject of many a meme.

And Riot Games? The studio solved these problems in one fell swoop, by completely reworking Mordekaiser. But don't worry, the new hero also has his sores, and has his own book. But the devs are somewhat more efficient in this case, and they mend the issues sooner. One of the famous glitches was the passive ability of this character which could hurt another character long after the death of Mordekaiser.

Star Wars of the Galaxy – fireworks launcher and NPCs

When Star Wars Galaxies first introduced fireworks to the game, players noticed a unique property of the fireworks launcher. It turned out that you could load everything into it and shoot it in the air. The problem was that such an object never fell, having apparently reached the escape velocity.

The most creative, young minds of the community decided to check whether it was possible to launch NPCs the same way. It turned out that yes, you indeed can do that, and soon thereafter, the geostationary orbit was full of NPCs launched against their will, effectively preventing players from completing quests. In the end, the developers had to intervene by resetting the servers.

Ragnarök Online – a crystal that beats players

On a Russian server of Ragnarok Online, PvP players found themselves in a strange situation. Initially, everything looked as usual. They fought for the castle that held the Imperial Crystal the last room. Whoever destroys it – gets the rights to the castle. But what if the crystal fights back? An error in artificial intelligence code rendered the Imperium Crystal quite a formidable enemy. It became mobile, and even started attacking players. This must have been a particularly viscous beast, since records of that situation are hard to even find...

World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004

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League of Legends

October 6, 2009

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September 1, 2005

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Ultima Online

September 24, 1997

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Ragnarok Online

August 31, 2002

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Asheron's Call

January 31, 2017

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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

December 15, 2011

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Patrick Manelski

Author: Patrick Manelski

A fanatic of MMO-games, who's lost in the fantasy world. He won't say no to a good book or TV series.