Blood West. New games coming in December 2023

Patrick Manelski

Blood West

Blood West Hyperstrange, 2023.

Release date: December 5, 2023


  1. Genre: action
  2. Platform: PC
  3. Approximate price: $30

Boomer shooter for connoisseurs

Fans of old-school shooters should definitely not complain. There's no shortage of boomer shooters, and the Hyperstrange studio are adding their own contribution to this genre. Blood West leaves Early Access in December, and we shall see the cursed mining town in its full splendor. We will enter it as a dead gunslinger, ready to deal with local nightmares.

A pinch of horror for flavor

In Blood West, we will decide for ourselves how to approach combat. The game doesn't force you to deal with them quietly, and nothing prevents you from entering the action with a bang. One should only remember that ammunition is limited, so it's worth using it wisely and searching all nooks and crannies – there are plenty of secrets here.

  1. Blood West in our encyclopedia
Patrick Manelski

Author: Patrick Manelski

A fanatic of MMO-games, who's lost in the fantasy world. He won't say no to a good book or TV series.