A Highland Song. New games coming in December 2023

Patrick Manelski

A Highland Song

A Highland Song inkle, 2023.

Release date: December 5, 2023


  1. Genre: adventure/platform
  2. Platforms: PC, Switch
  3. Approximate price: TBA

Rhythmic platformer plus survival

The Brits from the inkle studio are preparing a small game again, which will probably pass without much of an impact. It's a pity, because A Highland Song looks really nice. We need to get to a lighthouse on the coast within three days. The journey will not be easy, and the heroine awaits a trip full of memories.

Another marvel from inkle.

In A Highland Song, the game is played in two stages: a survival game first, and a rhythmic platformer second. We need to look for paths between cliffs, crevices, and find trails on the hills. The weather conditions can pose a threat, so we need to find shelter. Climbing is tough, but once we reach the top, the game changes – during the descent we have much more freedom. The whole thing was designed so that the player can focus not on the main goal, but on discovering secrets and learning about the mysteries of the area as well.

  1. A Highland Song in our encyclopedia
Patrick Manelski

Author: Patrick Manelski

A fanatic of MMO-games, who's lost in the fantasy world. He won't say no to a good book or TV series.