Walkthrough - Companions
The Prisoner
Quest giver: The Private [Vigil's Keep]
After you will leave the [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room] the Private (M2, 5) will tell you about the prisoner. Go and see him in [Vigil's Keep - Dungeon] (M2, 3). First of all talk to the prison guard and then open the cage and speak with the prisoner. When you will be ready Varel will come back and he will ask about your decision.
Option 1: The right of conscription
Speak about the right of conscription. Nathaniel will have to become a warden and he will join your team.
Option 2: Hang Nathaniel
Decide where to hang your prisoner. Nathaniel will die and you will lost your companion.
Option 3: Let him leave
Nathaniel's Joining
Quest giver: You will get this quest after completing the task The Prisoner
When you will chose the first option in the previous quest, then you will be moved to [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room]. Varel will change Nathaniel into a warden.
The Howe Family
Quest giver: Samuel [Vigil's Keep]
Samuel (M2, 11) will tell Nathaniel that his sister (M10, 11) is alive and that she is somewhere in [Amaranthine]. You find her on the trade street. Nathaniel will speak with her and he will understand the history of his family.
Freedom for Anders
Quest giver: Namaya [Amaranthine]
You will find Namaya in [Amaranthine] (M10, 16) - she is a friend of Anders. Mag will talk to her for a while and he will learn that in [Amaranthine - Abandoned Warehouse] (M10, 4) some templars items are left. Especially his phylactery.

Go to [Amaranthine - Abandoned Warehouse] and go to the further room. You will find some templars there led by Rylok. You will learn that this was a trap and now you have to decide:

Option 1: Defend Anders
Do not let templars to take your companion. You will have to fight with them.
Option 2: Give Anders to the templars
If you do not want to fight with your enemies then you can give them your companion. You will lose your friend now.
Justice for Kristoff
Quest giver: When you will enter the [Vigil's Keep] after completing the quest Shadows of the Blackmarsh
When you will come back to the [Vigil's Keep], Aura (Kristoff's wife) will want to speak with you. She will run away when it will turn out that her husband is dead and that some ghost is in his body. Justice is worrying about it and he wants to talk to Aura in [Amaranthine]. She will be in [Amaranthine - Chantry of our Lady Redeemer] (in the western part of the building) (M10.2, 8). Aura will speak with Justice and she will accept this situation.

Sigrun's Joining
Quest giver: You will get this quest after completing the task Last of the Legion
When you will be in [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room] speak with Varel and tell him that you want to change Sigrun into a warden. He will do that.
Sigrun's Roguish Past
Quest giver: Misha [Amaranthine]
While walking with Sigrun you will come across a dwarf woman - Misha (M10, 19). They will talk about the past of your companion. After the conversation Misha will go away.
![Some time later, while in [Vigils Keep - Throne Room] Sigrun will talk about it once again - Walkthrough - Companions - Side Quests - Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/dragonageoriginsawakening/gfx/word/484461390.jpg)
Some time later, while in [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room] Sigrun will talk about it once again. Tell her that you will help her in finding Misha to apologize her. Go to [Amaranthine - The Crown and Lion Inn]. Misha is standing in front of the door. Speak with her. Sigrun will want to give a ring to Misha. You may:
Option 1: Let her do it
This is the most neutral option.
Option 2: Propose that you give Misha some money
Persuade Misha that you will give her 15 $ for this ring. You may also give her 20 $ or 30 $, but the result will be the same - (+6) approval from Sigrun.
Velanna's Joining
Quest giver: You will get this quest after completing the task The Righteous Path
When you will be in [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room] speak with Varel and tell him that you want to change Velanna into a warden. He will do it immediately.
Velanna's Exile
Quest giver: Velanna [Random Place]
During one of your journeys you will meet 3 Dalish elves (you have to have Velanna in your team). Velanna will talk with them and you will find out that she was exiled from her clan.

Try to speak with her as often as it is possible in [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room] and one day, she will tell you the story.
Oghren the Family Man
Quest giver: Felsi [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room]
While in [Vigil's Keep - Throne Room] Felsi will appear - she is Oghren mother. She will say some bad thing about the dwarf and she will go away. If you will be able to be at good relation with Oghren he will tell you something more about his child.
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