Doom II: Hell on Earth - Serious Doom 2 The 2nd Simple Encounter v.0.0.4 - Game mod - Download

The file Serious Doom 2 The 2nd Simple Encounter v.0.0.4 is a modification for Doom II: Hell on Earth, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 86.1 MB

Last Update: Saturday, April 18, 2020

Downloads: 282

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Serious Doom 2 The 2nd Simple Encounter is a mod for Doom II: Hell on Earth, created by ghostlion88.

Description (in author’s own words):

The purpose of this little project is to get the Serious Sam 2 guns into Zdoom. I made a couple new maps and threw in some quick SS2 content, some of it screen-captured from the game and made into Alpha PNG's in Krita, others hand-drawn illustrations using Sketch app for Android, imported to my cheap-ass (but still awesome and highly functional) laptop for additional post processing in Krita.

-Weapons are middle position

-2 new maps in the Serious Sam 2 theme

-Green Crocodile Lizards replace the pinkie demon

-Explosive Clowns replaces the Doom Imp

-Robo Spiders replace Arachnotrons & Mastermind

-a few temporary placeholders for new enemy types (Orcs, Floaters, etc)

Weapons Include:

-Bone Saw (using Freedoom Sprites)

-Zap Gun

-Dual Colts

-AutoShotgun, Double Shotgun

-Dual Uzi's, Minigun (for Maximum Pleasure)

-Rocket Launcher from Serious Sam 2,

-Plasma Gun from Serious Sam 2 (Finally some scifi mumbo jumbo)



Why yes, as a matter of fact, I am

other details:

Some NPC's and enemies are handdrawn, such as the Clowns, or the RoboSpiders, and the Simbas you see walking around on the first level.

The green lizards were screen capped from Serious Sam 2 and then edited in Krita.

-same with all the guns, which have been moved to middle position using SS2's ctrl + N functionality for new weapon FOV (CroTeam was already AWESOME but for that they got a billion times cooler)

The Bone Saw sprites are the saw from Freedoom for now

The Zap gun is a sprite from....somewhere, I dunno the original source sorry, but it's been used in tons of other mods like the Looney Tunes, JazzJackRabbit & AlienBastards

The orc sprites are temporary placeholders ripped from Freedoom and the Alien Bastards mod (those blue shotgunners work really well as the Sersious Sam 2 orcs for right now)

This has been tested with Zandronum version 3.0, and I'm sure it must also work in latest GZdoom

Most of the sound effects for weapons and enemies are in there as well

If anyone wants to add or improve on this or use any of my hand illustrated new sprites for their own projects or use the maps I made as I say with all my other Doom mod projects feel free to do so I don't even care if you credit me or ask just do what you want it's the Doom modding wild west, baby! Yeehaw!

Other mods by me so far:

Ride the Sunshine


Hell Hath No Fury

SeriousDoom The Simple Encounter

a few others I can't remember right now

any questions, comments, suggestions, love letters, hate mail, death threats, paypal donations, feel free to email me at and check out my youtube channel spacelion88 and my instagram BrianLeostar

  • Last update: Saturday, April 18, 2020
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 86.1 MB