Doom II: Hell on Earth - Death Foretold v.2.5 - Game mod - Download

The file Death Foretold v.2.5 is a modification for Doom II: Hell on Earth, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 60.2 MB

Last Update: Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Downloads: 4564

Last 7 days: 1

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Death Foretold is a mod for Doom II, created by DBThanatos.


Mutiplayer/Solo gameplay mod with Doom4 weapons and Doom4-inspired monsters. Challenging, fast paced, fun, and frantic. Also playable in D-Touch, android port of GZDoom.

By mixing the movement speed of the old Doom, with the jumping tricks of the new DOOM, this mod is aimed to be a very fast paced experience, therefore it can be quite challenging. Even though there are no hitscan-attacking monsters, their projectiles are "not too fast" at best, "holy crap, where did that come from" at worst. The projectile attacks are there to be dodge-able most of the time, so long as you are keeping an eye (and ear) on your surroundings. However, since this was created with the idea of also being playable on a mobile device via D-Touch, where movement and aiming are somewhat diminished, additional skills were added to fit whatever playing style you prefer. Whether you want a very easy experience with a ton of monsters, or a very difficult one with fewer enemies, it's all covered!

This mod is also completely designed with multiplayer in mind via Zandronum, and extensive care was taken to ensure it works as intended in said port.

Coop with your squad and kick major ass butt.


Use GZDoom.

  • Last update: Tuesday, April 6, 2021
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 60.2 MB