Pinwheel | How to kill a boss Dark Souls Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Pinwheel is a mage with many faces. During the fight he creates his copies, which have not too much HP but can be pain in the ass. This demon can also do some magic "tricks". Despite of that, a fight with him is quite easy.
Attacks and weaknesses
1) Clone attack - boss creates his weaker copies. Can be killed with one hit.
2) Fire spells (distance) - not too dangerous if you're close to the boss and attack him with a sword.
1) Focus on the boss - the demon creates his copies, but if you have a good weapon, you can ignore them. During creating this guide, Pinwheel died so quickly (3-4 blows with a Lightning Spear +4) that we had no time to get a closer look at him!
After entering the arena, run forwards [1] and jump down onto the battlefield. [2]
Further tactics is quite easy - run towards the main boss and attack him. After some time he starts creating his copies. But you should focus on the "original" boss.
The boss can try to teleport himself - in this case destroy his copies. They should die after one blow. If there are too many copies on the arena, ignore the demon and focus on them.