Reach the Northern Rail Station | Welcome to the Jungle Crysis 3 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Walk over to the room's other end and climb up the stairs. Eliminate/walk around all of the enemies and jump over the rift. After you meet Psycho again, Enter the room with the four dead soldiers in it. At one of the corpses, you will find a Blackbox 1/2.
After you've taken another door, and seen another cutscene,, jump down. Cloak now and climb the elevation to the right. Wait for two Stalkers here. Try and stealth-kill them. If you fail, cloak again and take them out.
Open the door and follow the tunnel. On your way there, you will bump into mines which will explode if you cross the red laser beam. Jump over the beams of defuse the mines. Next to the entrance to the next building, you will find a grenade box and ammo. Climb up the stairs. You will reach a station. As you stay on the highest possible level, try and eliminate as many enemies as possible, without being spotted. Further on in the same room, on a platform, there are two turrets.
Once you clear the area, jump down to the ground and keep to the right side of the room. Behind you, there is a small room with an ammo crate and a corpse with a Blackbox (2/2) on. As you keep to the right, walk over to the far end on the room. On your way, you will notice two flooded basins. Enter underneath the platform to the left, at the second one of the basins (relative to the entrance), and find a small passage to the right. Inside, you will find a crate with a Datapad 3/3 on it.