Company of Heroes: Mission 15 - Chambois

Primary objectives:
- [*1] Close the Falaise Pocket
- [*2] Defeat Axis Counterattack
Secondary objectives:
- [*] Control the 4 bridges
- [*] Inflict 300 Casualties (award: Medal of Honor)
Additional objectives:
Note: you will complete additional objective mainly by destroying german motorized convoys [*] (halftracks are often full of infantry), systematically entering off-map from north and west. Krauts move in a hurry by roads and on the crossroads they take one or another route. And if you want to guard the bridges they're driving through you must to guard almost every. So instead of guarding all of them try to ambush Jerrys farther back, on the crossroads I've marked with blue Xs on my map. It's best to use Sherman tanks armed with guns (against the vehicles) and MGs on turrets (against infantry, trucks and light armoured vehicles).
You start your game with a nice developed base - concentrate on producing Sherman tanks (arm them with better 76mm gun) and engineers teams (repair tasks) first. [1] Seize with first of sappers team or infantry squad nearest strategic point, neutralize enemy forces in the area: some Pioneers, motorcycles. Use two available snipers to scout the area and to eliminate the crews of enemy AT guns and MG-42s. You can use your jeep for the first purpose too, however in that case flank enemy AT guns (attack from their dead zones).
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M10 tank destroyer can hunt down first german motorized convoy coming by the road from west (meanwhile Crocodile tank can burn Germans occupying a building nearby). [2]
Then send your M10 further to the north to eliminate an enemy armoured car next to the building. Burn the crew of first AT gun or throw them a grenade. [3]
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Kill the crews of two AT guns with your sharpshooters, do the same with MG-42 crew. Destroy enemy tank PzKpfw IV with your M10 tank destroyer or use Sherman armed with 76mm produced in base. You can burn enemy bunkers you will reveal (you can see them on map, they are marked as small, grey squares) with your engineers if you can sneak with them from dead zones. Sappers should also seize all munitions, fuel and strategic points located in captured by you sectors (ignore points situated on bridges for the moment) - don't invest in infantry yet. [4] Your first primary task in this mission is to close the Falaise pocket by linking your own base (blue) located south-west with Canadian (yellow) situated north-east: to do that you should seize all sectors situated between them. I started from conquering of whole left riverbank to acquire sectors/resources needed during the development of an army which had to attack the opposite riverbank and the town situated there across the bridges. Canadians from north-east will move south with intention to capture the terrain (yellow arrow on my map) but they aren't good in what they do so don't count on them specially.
Try to produce three Sherman tanks as fast as you can, arm them with MGs on turrets and place on the crossroads marked with blue Xs on my map to destroy german motorized convoys systematically passing by. Engineers teams follow every tank with repair task. [5] Speaking of german convoys: they have usually some but poor protection/escort - 1) convoys entering off-map from west consist only of trucks and halfracks, 2) convoys coming from north-west direction usually have an escort of one PzKpfw IV tank or Ostwind Flakpanzer, 3) column of vehicles driving from the north is better protected with Stug IV assault gun and even a Panther tank (this convoy moves across the bridge towards the Canadian base and I really don't know what is happening with him later, maybe Canadians are destroying him...).
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German motorized convoys are nice targets for your airforce too: you should have possibility of using fighter planes armed with MGs and ground attack planes armed with bombs - use them by clicking on suitable icons next to the minimap. You can destroy enemy trucks even with your fighter planes, strafe with bombs columns consist of halftracks. [6]
Simultaneously try to capture the whole left riverbank. You will probably find at last german military base located on the north (two buildings are situated away from others) and sending reinforcements to the battlefield, infantry and tanks. One your Sherman with MG on turret (against the infantry), Crocodile tank (with flamethrower) and accompanying engineers should lay this base in ashes, starting from setting on fire german vehicle depots. [7]
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Between german and canadian base you see also damaged bridge your sappers can repair. [8] You can use this bridge later (when repaired) to get to opposite riverbank and seize two strategic points and a fuel one lying nearby the Canadian base (however the Canadians should do this earlier). Anyway, you need these two strategic points to close the Falaise pocket.
When left bank of a river is in your hands it's time to move across the bridges to the opposite riverbank and to attack Germans occupying the town south-east. Now you will need your infantry but still take care of your tanks and produce more if you're loosing them. Advance with your medium tanks Shermans equipped with mine flails (lower them earlier) first, because in some places the roads behind the bridges can be mined. Strangle german resistance on southern outskirts of the town. [9]
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From centre of the town may arrive dangerous PzKpfw VI Tiger - try to ambush him from side and rear with two of your tanks and soon he will be destroyed. [10] Engineers or soldiers squads following your vehicles should seize strategic points located on bridges - when you control all four [*] secondary mission objective is completed.
And when you have all four bridges [*] in your hands and strategic points/sectors situated south from Canadian base are also allied (blue), both bases (yours and Canadians) are linked and first of primary mission objectives (to close the Falaise pocket [*1]) is completed. A moment later you'll receive second task: to defeat Axis counterattack [*2]. On the edges of a map, on roads leading from the north, will appear german tanks: PzKpfw IVs, PzKpfw V Panthers and PzKpfw VI Tigers. You will see one more Tiger on west but he'll be probably destroyed by Canadians moving now all around the map (you'll see them also in your own base). German tanks will drive south - you can try to soften their tough armor with your tanks standing on the crossroads marked with Xs, but take into account that you may lose these vehicles, it's very probable. So, instead of fighting with Germans on left riverbank, withdraw your tanks behind the bridges, to the town on right riverbank and wait for the enemy there. Krauts will try to cross the river using one of the bridges (they still try to escape from the pocket, right?) - in my game they used the bridge situated in the middle of a map (marked with big red arrow on my map). Welcome them suitably by attacking mainly their sides and, if you have an opportunity, also the rear. Don't hesitate to use against them even sticky bombs of your riflemen. [11]
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Germans can appear in company of infantry - burn these soldiers on the bridges, destroy their hopes of escaping. After knocking out all of enemy tanks mission should finish successfully. [12] Medal of Honor waits for you if you have managed to inflict 300 casualties, mainly by destroying most of convoys [*].
Well, it's time to celebrate end of fight [13],
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end of the whole game "Company of Heroes" ;-P. Enjoy also your award granted by High Command for this unusual achievement. [14]
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