Zombie Inc.
Zombie Inc. is a developer and publisher.
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Zombie Inc. is a developer of video games. Zombie Inc. has been active on the market since before 1996. One of its first projects was game Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands. In publishing its games, Zombie Inc. collaborates with UTV Ignition Entertainment. The developer's most recent work is Blacklight Retribution. The developer's most recent work is Blacklight Retribution. Production release occurred on 11 March 2019.
Most Popular Games Developed by Zombie Inc.
Developed Games
List of all released games developed by Zombie Inc..
Daylight - April 29, 2014 - PC, PS4
Blacklight Retribution - November 15, 2013 - PC, X360, PS3, PS4
Special Forces: Team X - February 6, 2013 - PC, X360
Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition - July 6, 2012 - X360, PS3, Wii
Saw II: The Videogame - October 19, 2010 - X360, PS3
Blacklight: Tango Down - July 7, 2010 - X360, PS3, PC
Saw: The Video Game - October 6, 2009 - PC, X360, PS3
Future Force Company Commander - October 30, 2006 - PC
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury - September 22, 2004 - PC
Delta Force: Task Force Dagger - June 26, 2002 - PC
Alcatraz: Prison Escape - November 4, 2001 - PC
Spec Ops 2: Green Berets - November 9, 1999 - PC
Body Glove: Bluewater Hunter - October 8, 1999 - PC
Spec Ops: Ranger Team Bravo - October 1, 1999 - PC
Spearhead - September 15, 1998 - PC
Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way - April 30, 1998 - PC
Spec Ops: Rangers Assault - April 20, 1998 - PC
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands - March 12, 1996 - PC
Released Games
List of all released games published by Zombie Inc..
Daylight - April 29, 2014 - PC, PS4