Act I - Team Player Call of Duty: MW2 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Quickly stand up and run to the cover (for example a car). Your task is to eliminate the enemy troops and defend the tank which has to connect the broken bridge. The best choice here is the grenade launcher, which will allow you to eliminate a large group of enemies with one shot. On the other side of the river, most enemies are around the stairs, so try to shoot there. After a while, enemy reinforcement will arrive so keep an eye on the other side of the broken bridge - try not to let your tank be destroyed.
Once the bridge is ready, jump into one of the Humvees and mount the gun #1. Don't shoot anyone until the enemy doesn't open fire himself. You will see enemy trails after getting near the school, they will mainly attack from the roofs of the nearby building #2 and their main weapons will be rocket launchers.
After clearing the school's roof, the action will speed up a little - the vehicle will start to move quicker and shooting can be harder. Concentrate on buildings and shooting down enemies with rocket launchers #1. At some point, another vehicle will block your way - get rid of the guy behind the gun and the driver - your driver will do the rest #2.
After a while, you vehicle will be damaged #1. Quickly get on your feet and hide in the nearby house on the right, just like the rest of your squad #2. Trying to kill everybody while lying isn't a good idea. Inside, you can collect some ammo and change your gun.
Go to the upper floor on the building #1. While slowly going up the stairs, throw a flash grenade and afterwards run to the top and eliminate a couple of enemies. Before going further, throw another flash grenade to the next room #2. Inside there will be two more enemies (depending on how much you've killed while on the stairs), including one just right from the entrance.
Approach the window and you will see the occupied school in front of you #1. Clear out the main square and follow you teammates as they go inside. Once there, move very slowly, as there's an enemy behind every corner. While going up the stairs, stop at the floor landing. There's one enemy on the next floor #2.
Follow your comrades. Once you reach the school exit, you will face a couple of enemies on the other side of the corridor with desks on the right side #1, which aren't a great cover, considering the material they're made out of. After clearing the school, it's time to go back to General Shepherd. In the net alley you will notice enemies coming from the right #2 - shoot as many as you can while they don't see you.
If someone survived, slowly advance forward. One of the doors on the left is opened; use it to get rid of some enemies #1. If you don't do this, there's a high probability that you'll get a nasty surprise. A little further a lonely enemy will appear at the end of the passage. Head to the spot where the general's waiting #2.