Chapter 1 - Pierce Investigations Agency, Boston | Call of Cthulhu Walkthrough
This section of the guide to Call of Cthulhu contains a walkthrough of the game's first chapter, entitled "Pierce Investigations Agency, Boston." The first chapter of the game opens the story and is a sort of a tutorial introducing you to the peculiarities.

The chapter opens with a ghastly scene, after which you will take control of the character. Go straight ahead - ignore the nearby objects, since there's nothing of interest here. You will reach a locked gate - go to the left, crouch using the button indicated on the screen and enter the next room.

Here, on the right, there is another closed passage, so go straight ahead. You will pass an object lying on a pile of boxes - but you can't lift it, because you need to light it first. Continue walking and get closer to the lamp lying on the box - Hurricane Lamp - and pick it up. Now go back to the omitted object - Bolt Cutter - and pick it up.

There's nothing worth your attention anymore, so come back to the blocked passage and use the chisel to get rid of the chain. Walk through the newly opened door and continue the march - there is only one path here, and there is nothing to gather on the way.

After a while you will reach the more open part of the cave - again, go straight ahead by opening the door. This activates a short cut scene.
Pierce Investigations Agency

You will get to the office of the main character, where the action of the game begins for good. Look around the office and interact with all active objects by using the white circle icon. They cannot be overlooked here, because circles are visible from practically every place in the office.

Here you will also find the first collectible in the game; in this case "case closed." Some of them do not directly affect the gameplay, some unlock additional dialog options with the characters you meet, and collecting them is also required to unlock two achievements in the game (read more about this in the chapter "Achievements").

The first document (case closed) can be found in a dark document cabinet, right next to the exit door; the second one (also case closed) in a bedside table standing right next door.

To the right from the desk, you will also find Sleeping Pills - you have to collect them in order to get the achievement the most trivial object. More about that in the Achievements chapter.

When you've finished searching the office, get closer to your desk. Collect the Journal lying next to the typing machine and note the glass of whiskey - drinking it will prevent you from getting the More sober than Zadok Allen achievement.

Now you can finally get closer to your desk and answer the caller's phone. During the talk, you will be asked to distribute the skill points - a detailed description of this aspect and development advice can be found in the chapter called Character Development and Skill Points.
Attention. This is the only moment in the game, where you can distribute points into Medicine and Occultism - later on, expanding these abilities is only possible through obtaining the right items.
Examine the painting

Distribute the points as you like and finish the phone call to activate the cutscene. Once the conversation with Stephen Webster ends, go back to the desk and examine the newspaper cutouts lying there.

Get closer to the painting on the couch and interact with it. Another conversation with Stephen Webster will commence.

For the first time, you will also see a mechanic which accompanies you throughout the entire game in Call of Cthulhu - the choice of dialog options depends on the information gained and/or your abilities. Each track you examine can unlock an additional dialogue option, which will shed new light on the problem. These options also depend on the level of a given ability (such as Eloquence or Psychology) - it means that in one pass of the game there is no possibility to unblock all dialogue options because you simply lack the points of ability to do so.
Attention - these dialogue choices that yield tangible profits (such as unlocking an achievement), are described in this guide, both in the walkthrough and in the chapter "Achievements".
Click through all available dialog options to learn as much as possible about Sara Hawkins' case. Finally, select the last option in the lower right corner of the screen to end the call.
Leave for Darkwater

When you regain control of your character, search the office again, as new interactive elements will appear here.

One book is particularly interesting - "The Learning of Medicine, Volume 1" - reading it will increase Medicine by 2%. This is the first skill-enhancing item in the game Call of Cthulhu - and, as has been mentioned, the only way to improve this ability. The remaining items that increase the skill level of Medicine, as well as Occultism, are described in this guide.

When you've finished searching the office, go to the door and leave the room to activate the cut scene and complete this short chapter. The achievement The Sarah Hawkins Right Case will also be automatically unlocked.
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