Achievements trophies list


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This page in our guide to Assassin's Creed III Remastered contains the achievement/trophy list. Each achievement/trophy in AC3 contains information on how to unlock it and has our own commentary on how to unlock it in the easiest way.

The most important information about achievements/trophies in Assassin's Creed III Remastered

  1. Our guide is for the remastered version of Assassin's Creed III Remastered. The original PC version of Assassin's Creed III has been removed from the shops selling digital versions of games. The original version can still be purchased on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 - both in the digital and physical version.
  2. Assassin's Creed III Remastered has 55 trophies (including the platinum trophy) and 54 achievements. These trophies/achievements are both for the original version of the game and the DLCs which are part of the remaster. The PS4 version has one extra platinum trophy.
  3. Assassin's Creed III Remastered doesn't have a multiplayer meaning that none of the trophies/achievements require you to play this mode. All achievements/trophies are unlocked in the single-player mode.
  4. As for the platinum trophy, the one available in Assassin's Creed III Remastered doesn't require a lot of skills. Instead, you will need to spend a lot of time to get it. One of the main reasons is that you need to complete the game in 100%. This means that you need to get 100% synchronization in every mission, complete all side activities, and get all the collectibles. All of this can take you up to 70 hours, especially when you have to replay missions multiple times due to failing an optional goal.

Platinum Trophy

Trophy type: platinum

How to unlock: Get all the trophies.

Commentary: This trophy is available only on PS3 and PS4.

Rude Awakening

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Re-Enter the Animus.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is unlocked at the beginning of the game. Complete the first mission in Sequence 1 - Refresher Course. You play as Desmond in this tutorial.

Daddy Dearest

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Present - Stadium.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You visit Stadium during Sequence 8 (as Desmond) - this mission is called Second Energy Source.

Criss Cross

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Present - Skyscraper.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. Climbing the top of the Skyscraper is part of First Energy Source mission. You play it as Desmond - this mission is part of Sequence 5.

The End is Nigh

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Present - Abstergo.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. Desmond visits the Abstergo facility during the Third Energy Source mission - Sequence 10.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Open the Temple Door and learn Desmond's fate.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You visit the Temple as Desmond at the end of Sequence 12 - Chasing Lee mission.

Mystery Guest

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 1 and 2.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You unlock this trophy/achievement after completing Sequence 2 - Infiltrating Southgate.

How D'ya Like Them Apples

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 3.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You unlock this trophy/achievement after completing Sequence 3- The Braddock Expedition.

Heroes Are Born

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 4.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You get this trophy/achievement after completing the last mission of Sequence 4 - Something to Remember.

The Day the Templars Cried

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 5.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You get this trophy/achievement after completing the last mission in Sequence 5 (not counting the mission taking place in the present time where you play as Desmond) - The Hard Way.

Tea is for Englishmen

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 6.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You get this trophy/achievement after completing the last mission of Sequence 6 - Hostile Negotiations.

The Whites of Their Eyes

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 7.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You get this trophy/achievement after completing the last mission in Sequence 7 - Battle of Bunker Hill.

Caged Wolf

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 8.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You get this trophy/achievement after completing the last mission in Sequence 8 (not counting the mission taking place in the present time where you play as Desmond) - Public Execution.

Two if by Sea

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 9.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You unlock this trophy/achievement after completing Sequence 9- A Bitter End.

Grim Expectations

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 10.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You get this trophy/achievement after completing the last mission in Sequence 10 (not counting the mission taking place in the present time where you play as Desmond) - Battle of Monmouth.

Difficult End

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 11.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You get this trophy/achievement after completing the last mission in Sequence 11 - Lee's Last Stand.

The Sum of Truth

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Complete Sequence 12.

Commentary: You can't miss this trophy/achievement - it is part of the main storyline. You get this trophy/achievement after completing the last mission in Sequence 12 - Chasing Lee.


Trophy type: silver - Achievements trophies list - Achievements - Assassins Creed III Game Guide & Walkthrough

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Complete 100% of all main mission constraints.

Commentary: Main missions in Assassin's Creed III have main and side objectives. These objectives may require you to, e.g. kill a group of enemies in a specific way or avoid enemies within a time limit. Our walkthrough for AC3 contains information and tips for these optional objectives.

If you failed a mission objective, you have two options:

  1. Go back to the last checkpoint (unless the optional objective required you to, e.g. complete the entire mission within a time limit) and try again.
  2. Replay the entire mission by going to the main menu.

This trophy/achievement counts the main missions only. You don't have to complete side missions in 100%.

An Extraordinary Man

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete the Encyclopedia of the Common Man.

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to the Homestead in Assassin's Creed III. The description of that location can be found on one of the pages. To get this trophy/achievement, you need to complete all the Homestead missions. Below you can find the list of dwellers who can live in that place:

  1. Lumberer
  2. Miner
  3. Innkeeper
  4. Blacksmith
  5. Tailor
  6. Doctor
  7. Hunter
  8. Farmer
  9. Woodworker

The Encyclopedia of the Common Man makes its first appearance during Sequence 6. The main character is asked to take a closer look at one of the NPCs and "note" that person's behavior. You can do that by locking the camera on a target (L1 / LB) and observing them for a few seconds. Each new activity performed by that person will add a new entry in the encyclopedia.

This trophy/achievement is time-consuming - the workers listed above can perform 3 or 4 different activities that you have to note. Of course, you won't be able to get this trophy/achievement right away. Try to visit these people every time you go back to the Homestead. Their activities are listed in the Encyclopedia of the Common Man available in the pause menu. Open the encyclopedia to check how many entries/scans you need.

Patent Not Pending

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Craft one of Franklin's inventions to decorate your Manor.

Commentary: Look for Almanac Pages - they are related to Benjamin Franklin. These pages are Collectibles (secrets) - their locations are described on one of the pages. After finding one of the pages, go back to the Homestead and interact with the Ledger. Inventions require specific crafting materials.

House Party

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Recruit any of the Artisans and see them settled on the Homestead.

Commentary: This is one of the trophies/achievements related to the Homestead. More about this location in Expanding the village chapter. To recruit an Artisan, you need to find their icon on the map. After reaching that place, you will either have to help that person or fulfill a small request. The chapter dedicated to the Homestead has the list of all the Artisans you can recruit.

A Complete Set

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: See all the optional characters settled at the Homestead.

Commentary: This is one of the trophies/achievements related to the Homestead. More about this location in Expanding the village chapter. This chapter contains information about the Artisans found in the game's world (some of them will appear after making enough progress in the main storyline). These characters can settle down in the Homestead. Usually, you will do that by helping them or completing a small request.

Original Gamer

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Win a game of Fanorona, Morris and Bowls on the Homestead.

Commentary: Fanorona, Morris and Bowls are playable mini-games in the Homestead. You can expand the Homestead after reaching a certain point of the game. More information about that can be found in a separate chapter. To play a game of Bowls, you will need to complete a few missions for the Lumberers first. Be sure to play these mini-games in the Homestead and you are not in the middle of a mission.

Bring Down the House

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Explore Fort Wolcott.

Commentary: Fort Wolcott is related to Captain Kidd's treasure described in one of the chapters. You can explore this optional location after completing The Hard Way, the last mission in Sequence 5.

Kidd Gloves

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Uncover the mystery of Oak Island.

Commentary: Oak Island is related to Captain Kidd's treasure described in one of the chapters. You can explore this optional location after completing The Hard Way, the last mission in Sequence 5.

All Washed Up

Trophy type: silver - Achievements trophies list - Achievements - Assassins Creed III Game Guide & Walkthrough

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Complete all Naval Missions aboard the Aquila.

Commentary: There are four Naval missions in the game. You can do them after completing the naval battle tutorial in Sequence 5. Descriptions of all the missions can be found in a separate chapter - The Chase, The Rescue, French Involvement and Biddle's Hideout.

Entrepreneur, not Pirate!

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete all 12 Privateer Contracts.

Commentary: Privateer Contracts are smaller naval missions available in the port. Descriptions of all these missions are available in a separate chapter.


Trophy type: bronze - Achievements trophies list - Achievements - Assassins Creed III Game Guide & Walkthrough

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Upgrade the Aquila.

Commentary: You can start upgrading the Aquila (Connor's ship) after completing the ship tutorial in Sequence 5. Go to the port and interact with the ledger containing ship upgrades. Each upgrade costs a specific amount of money. To unlock this achievement/trophy, purchase any of the upgrades.

By Invitation Only

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Be invited to join a Club.

Commentary: Check Clubs' Challenges chapter to learn more about the clubs. There are four clubs in the game. To join them, you will need to fulfill specific requirements. Below you can find the list of required actions:

  1. Boston Brawlers - Beat someone with your bare fists.
  2. Frontiersmen - Speak with the person marked on the map.
  3. Hunting Society - Hunt an animal.
  4. Thieves Guild - Steal at least 100 pounds.

In Good Standing

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete all challenges for any of the Clubs.

Commentary: Clubs' Challenges chapter contains information about the activities for all the clubs - Boston Brawlers, Frontiersmen, Hunting Society, Thieves Guild.

This achievement/trophy requires you to complete all challenges for one of the clubs. Open the map and go to the "Journal" tab - you will see currently available challenges.

Man of the People

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Liberate all districts in Boston or New York.

Commentary: For more information, check District challenges and recruiting new members page in Assassin Guild chapter. Always start with finding an icon related to liberating a district. When you reach that place, you will get a short mission in which you have to kill a specific soldier or rescue a citizen. Complete them. After that, the game will add a new icon marking a person you have to speak to. However, that NPC won't have much to say for now. You need to complete a few minor missions before you will be able to liberate a district. Sadly, they won't get marked on the map. To discover them, you need to walk around a district and look for citizens harassed by the Templars. You can also do that by standing on synchronization viewpoints. By revealing a part of the town, you discover all missions in that particular district. The fastest way to find these missions is to follow the maps presented in our guide.

After completing enough of these minor missions, you will be ordered to liberate a district from the Templars. To get this trophy/achievement you have to focus on only one town. Boston should be quicker - it has fewer minor missions.

Monopoly Man

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Send a convoy to Boston, New York and the Frontier.

Commentary: Sending convoys is one of the mechanics related to the Davenport Homestead. Its description can be found on a separate page. Go to the Trade tab - this is where you can plan where you want to send a convoy. The earliest moment you can get this trophy/achievement is Sequence 8 - you need to reach New York first.

Blowing in the Wind

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Retrieve every page for one of Ben Franklin's Almanacs.

Commentary: Almanac pages are related to Benjamin Franklin. These pages are one of the Secrets in Assassin's Creed III. This trophy/achievement requires you to get all 36 pages.

Almanac pages in Boston:

Almanac pages in New York - Achievements trophies list - Achievements - Assassins Creed III Game Guide & Walkthrough

Almanac pages in New York:

Trophy type: silver - Achievements trophies list - Achievements - Assassins Creed III Game Guide & Walkthrough


Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Complete all progress tracker grid entries.

Commentary: This trophy/achievement requires you to complete the game in 100%. This will take you some time - you need to complete every single activity in the game. Below you can find the list of activities required by this trophy/achievement:

  1. Complete all main missions (Sequences 1-12)
  2. Complete all missions taking place in the present times (as Desmond)
  3. Complete all naval missions
  4. Complete all Davenport Homestead mission
  5. Complete all other side activities - Privateer Contracts, Courier Missions, District and Fort Liberation Missions, Assassination Contracts, and Club Challenges
  6. Get 100% synchronization in every mission - both main AND side missions - you need to complete all side objectives.
  7. Find all 36 Almanac pages for Franklin and craft all 9 inventions.
  8. Unlock all fast travel points
  9. Find all collectibles (feathers, Peg Leg trinkets, treasure chests)
  10. Recruit all assassins
  11. Buy all upgrades for the Aquila
  12. Buy all weapons for Connor

You can check your progress in the Animus menu. Thanks to that, you will be able to determine which elements you need to complete/unlock to achieve 100% completion.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Complete 50% of the Progress Tracker entries.

Commentary: This is a simpler version of Completionist trophy/achievement. You need to complete half of the activities required for 100% completion.

Split Roast

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Perform a double assassination using a musket.

Commentary: Start by finding a pair of guards, preferably those standing opposite each other (see the picture above). Stand behind one of them and select a musket from your inventory (you have to carry this weapon!). Perform an assassination. That is all, you don't have to do anything. Connor will thrust the musket's bayonet through the first guard and shoot the next one.

Don't try to shoot enemies with a musket - the only way to get this trophy/achievement is to follow the instruction above.

Circus Act

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Kill 15 guards with a single cannon shot.

Commentary: The best way to get this trophy/achievement is during the Battle of Monmouth main mission which is part of Sequence 10. At some point in this mission, Connor will be able to use a cannon. Aim at a large group of enemies and shoot.


Trophy type: bronze - Achievements trophies list - Achievements - Assassins Creed III Game Guide & Walkthrough

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Hang 5 enemies by using rope darts.

Commentary: Rope darts can be purchased in various shops. Equip this weapon and stand above an enemy - you can stand on, e.g. a branch or a wooden beam. Press Triangle/Y when the target is directly below Connor. Do this four times.

Prince of Thieves

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Loot a convoy without killing any of its guards.

Commentary: Thieves Guild can order you to loot a convoy. You can also look for convoys while you are exploring the game's world - they are found in the Frontier.

You don't have to sneak throughout the entire process. You can attack convoy guards. Use fists instead of weapons - you will knock them down instead of killing. Once all the guards are on the ground, loot the convoy.

Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye!

Trophy type: bronze - Achievements trophies list - Achievements - Assassins Creed III Game Guide & Walkthrough

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Block a firing line 5 times by using a human shield.

Commentary: The last mission of Sequence 2, Infiltrating Southgate, is perfect for that. The walkthrough for that mission is on a separate page. At some point, your character will get attacked by British soldiers. You can take one of them hostage (see the picture above). Block a shot with a soldier, pause the game, and load the last checkpoint. Repeat the process.

Jager Bomb

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: After becoming fully Notorious, kill 10 Jagers before losing your notoriety.

Commentary: Jagers are easy to spot thanks to their black headwear. To defeat them, either tackle a Jager or disarm and then finish them off. Remember - don't start running away from enemies prematurely. The best way to get this trophy/achievement is to stand in the place where you started the fight and let new enemies to arrive.

Magna cum Laude

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Have a Trainee reach the Assassin Rank.

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to the Assassin Guild - more information can be found on Recruits and training them page.

Keep sending the guild members on missions - they will gain experience upon completing them. The Assassin rank is available after reaching level 11. Luckily for you, recruits can't die if they fail a mission. Instead, they will be unavailable for a certain period of time.

Coureur des Bois

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Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Exchange undamaged pelts at all different general stores.

Commentary: To get an undamaged pelt, you have to kill an animal with the hidden blade. Kill 9 animals using this method. There are 9 trading posts in the game - 3 in the Frontier, 3 in Boston and 3 in New York. Deliver at least a "perfect" pelt to each of the trading posts. More information about tracking and killing wild animals in the Hunting chapter.

Eye Witness

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Witness a predator killing an enemy.

Commentary: This trophy/achievement isn't difficult to unlock but it requires a bit of luck. During the exploration, you can come across enemies attacked by, e.g. wolves, bears or cougars. Don't get too close to them and avoid getting spotted. Stay in one place until the enemy is killed by the wild animal.


Trophy type: silver - Achievements trophies list - Achievements - Assassins Creed III Game Guide & Walkthrough

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Complete each of the epilogue missions unlocked after the credits roll.

Commentary: Don't turn the game off when the credits start rolling. After the credits, you will be able to play 3 short and not very interactive missions. You shouldn't have problems completing them.

Uniquely Familiar

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Receive an unexpected gift (TOKW: Infamy).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Infamy DLC.

You get the related item automatically during the second mission - Warn the Village.

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Kill 25 enemies while staying cloaked (TOKW: Infamy).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Infamy DLC.

This trophy/achievement requires Wolf Cloak skill which allows you to become invisible for a limited time at a cost of your health points. You unlock it during the third mission of this DLC - Sky World Journey. Activate it and start killing enemies. Try to attack enemies standing farther away from the rest of the soldiers - these attacks won't alarm the entire area.


Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Reach 100% synchronization in the Frontier (TOKW: Infamy).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Infamy DLC.

Complete the Infamy DLC in 100%. Here is the full list of requirements:

  1. Complete 6 story missions and complete their side objectives. Complete all optional targets during a single playthrough of each mission. If you fail, replay the mission by going to the Animus menu.
  2. Complete 15 side missions received from citizens.
  3. Find 3 Memory Artifacts.

West Point Payback

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defeat Benedict Arnold (TOKW: Infamy).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Infamy DLC.

You have to kill Benedict Arnold during the final mission of this DLC - Justice Served.

Frequent Flyer

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Use Eagle Flight to travel 1 km (TOKW: Betrayal).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Betrayal DLC.

You get Eagle Flight skill during the second mission of this DLC - Sky World Journey. You can start using it afterward. Keep using it until you unlock the trophy/achievement.

The New Tea Party

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Reach 100% synchronization in Boston (TOKW: Betrayal).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Betrayal DLC.

Complete the Betrayal DLC in 100%. Here is the full list of requirements:

  1. Complete 9 story missions and complete their side objectives. Complete all optional targets during a single playthrough of each mission. If you fail, replay the mission by going to the Animus menu.
  2. Complete 15 side missions received from citizens.
  3. Find 3 Memory Artifacts.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defeat Putnam (TOKW: Betrayal).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Betrayal DLC.

You have to kill Putnam during the final mission of this DLC - Escape to New York.


Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Kill 125 enemies using Bear Might (TOKW: Redemption).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Redemption DLC.

You get Bear Might skill during the second mission of this DLC - Sky World Journey. This powerful AoE attack works best when Connor is surrounded by multiple enemies. Each use costs you a bit of health.

If I Can Make it There

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Reach 100% synchronization in New York (TOKW: Redemption).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Redemption DLC.

Complete the Redemption DLC in 100%. Here is the full list of requirements:

  1. Complete 8 story missions and complete their side objectives. Complete all optional targets during a single playthrough of each mission. If you fail, replay the mission by going to the Animus menu.
  2. Complete 15 side missions received from citizens.
  3. Find 3 Memory Artifacts.

First in the Hearts

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defeat George Washington (TOKW: Redemption).

Commentary: This trophy/achievement is related to Tyranny of King Washington - Redemption DLC.

You have to defeat George Washington during the final, eighth, mission of this DLC - Inevitable Confrontation.

Assassin's Creed III

October 30, 2012

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