Chapter One - Paris | Walkthrough Yesterday Origins Guide
Last update: 24 November 2016
In this chapter you will come to Paris where you control John and Pauline to do following tasks:
- Solve little cosmetic problem
- Prepare gift and necessary documents for John and Pauline's prospective customer
- Check what book is inside the envelope
Solve little cosmetic problem
Look around the bedroom. Take a metro token from the bedside cabinet and Pauline's father journal. In the inventory examine John's figure.
Observation of John:
- left eye (from player's view);
- left hand (aside);
- right side of the head (aside).
Then in the inventory choose John's mobile phone. Click the white pulsating circle. Listen and watch recorded message which John made for himself. In the inventory will appear information about John's WWW page.
Choose to control Pauline (LPM) and talk with John. You can also choose John, and talk with Pauline who's standing before the mirror - the conversation will be different. Also look at her as John and listen his comments about her. You can also look at John from Pauline's perspective and hear her opinions. Being Pauline look at herself too (icon in the inventory).
Observation of Pauline:
- right eye (from player's view);
- mouth;
- stomach;
- tattoo on the back.
Come back to the bathroom and look at the mirror - Pauline notices wrinkles under eyes (information in the inventory - wrinkles). Open the cabinet in the bathroom and from the upper shelf take the hair spray, and travel hair dryer, and from the bottom shelf - anti-ageing cream. In the inventory click the dryer to disassemble it into two parts. Take hidden inside handgun. Then open the cream (turn it around to see the cover) and take a bullet. Turn the hair spray to open it and take hidden inside silencer. Now load the gun with the bullet and use the silencer on the gun.
Go to the shower and zoom in. Combine the gun with bullet and silencer with information about wrinkles.
(If in John and Pauline's flat you switch between characters a maximum of 2 times, you will get Bedroom optimization).
If you interacted with all hotspots and items at Pauline and John's flat (including observations of characters), you will get Know Your Place achievement).
Prepare gift and necessary documents for John and Pauline's prospective customer
Being as Pauline in the workshop, you need to take a photo of huge Nio sculpture which should interest Victoria Baxter. Also you need to find Nio's document of authenticity which was probably hidden by Pauline's father.
Come closer to ornamental chest, open latches (on both sides), and try to move bolt which is blocking the bar. Take a hammer which is lying on the table with tools and try to use it on the chest. Pauline will say that she need a nylon hammer (information about it in the inventory).
Go outside and talk with Boris about everything, you will get the nylon hammer back.
Observation of Boris:
- kerchief on the head;
- inscription on the T-shirt;
- trousers (left thigh - from player's view );
- right sleeve (when you are controlling John).
(You can also make observations of Pauline and John from their perspective and from partner's perspective, part of their comments will be different than before).
Observation of Pauline:
- lips;
- belly;
- left (from player's view) shoe;
- left eye (aside).
Come back to the workshop and use nylon hammer on the bolt. Open the chest and take a photo camera (on the left) and an antique expert's magnifying glass (on the right). Come closer to Nio sculpture and examine it thoroughly. Notice closed mouth, left (from player's view) hand in upright position, decoration on the chest, right nipple, upside down staff in the right hand, and decorative base. (If you try to connect left hand with the hammer, you will get God of Thunder achievement). Try to make a photo of Nio - it appears that there is no SD card in the photo camera (information in the inventory).
Go outside and to the back of the antique shop (through half open door; on the left from van). Talk with John about everything - he promises you to find SD card.
Observation of John:
- left (from player's view) eye;
- left shoe;
- left hand (aside);
- hair on the back of the head.
Switch to John. He need to prepare a gift for prospective customer. After looking for information about Baxter you will get a proper icon in your inventory. (If you use on turned on laptop WWW icon, you can see John's website when you can read his story in summary).
Examine laptop - turn it aside to see left side and take the SD card.
Then look at the items which are prepared to receipt (in the centre of the room). Click a phonograph - you will see a memory of redheaded girl. Take small dark brown gift box which is lying on cardboard box (on the right).
Go to the shop (door in the centre of the screen). Take a pipe lying between Aztec figures (near the door, on the left). Look at the printer on the counter. It's out of ink (information cartridge). From the box on the right take a wrapping paper (on the top) and an antique store's calling card (on the bottom).
Go outside (half open door on the gallery) and talk with Boris about everything. Of course, ask him about the ink for the printer. (If you several times ask Boris to park van - as long as you use every dialogue option - you will get In a Jiffy achievement). Return to the back of the shop, go to the shop and put the ink into the printer. John will print Baxter's family seal which he has found in the Internet. Connect the seal with the pipe - John wants to use Baxter's seal to customize the pipe.
Go to the back of the shop and upstairs on the gallery. Examine the Celtic cross (notice wheel, circle with four slots, and drawer hidden in the base). You will get information about the cross. Go to Pauline, give her SD card and talk with her. Ask Pauline to paint Baxter's seal on the pipe (John will give her pipe and letter B pattern). It is necessary to talk about the cross with a surprise, because thanks to this Pauline will be able to find Nio's document of authenticity.
Switch to Pauline. Look at the father's photo (on the shelf above the table with tools) - Pauline will remember his words about the most important years of his life. Take a thin brush (next to the photo). From the bottom shelf take ink (on the left) and fixative for drying ink (on the right).
In the inventory choose father's magnifying glass. Connect it with pipe, Baxter's seal, ink and thin brush. Use fixative on the pipe with pattern.
Examine Nio sculpture. Look at the decorative base. Connect it with the information about Pauline's father important years. Pauline will open a hidden drawer and find a document of authenticity of Nio sculpture. Put SD card into photo camera and take a photo of Nio.
Leave workshop and go to the shop. Talk with John about holidays, then give him pipe, document of authenticity, and SD Card with photo of Nio. Switch to Yesterday. Combine gift box, wrapping paper, pipe and antique store's calling card.
(If during your preparations for visiting Baxter, you will switch between characters a maximum of 5 times, you will get Shopping Optimization achievement).
Check what book is inside the envelope
Being in front of Baxter's mansion, push the intercom button. No matter if you say the truth or lie, you need to wait a while before you can push the button once again. During waiting you can examine all hotspots.
Talk with Victoria Baxter, choose any option you want. During the conversation you will get woman's business card. When Victoria leaves, look around. There is an envelope on the table which contains a book about satanic sects in Middle Ages (the one Baxter has mentioned). You need to open the envelope and see the book, but without leaving any traces.
To do this, come closer to the samurai wearing the iron armor (on the left) and take his katana (in the left hand). Now go to the room with piano and look at the plant on the right. Take a micro-rainshower, and use Baxter's business card on resin. (If earlier you have heard a melody on phonograph and now you will play it, you will get The Redhead's Melody achievement).
Use rainshower on the envelope (letter Y in the inventory), then open it with katana, finally use business card with resin to seal the envelope.
(For finding out what book is in the envelope, you will get The Legacy of Hyperborea achievement).