PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth


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Player versus Player is another aspect that has undergone a major transformation in Battle for Azeroth. As the expansion focuses on the conflict between the factions, Blizzard decided to provide the players with upgraded PvP system.

War Mode - readiness to combat

At the beginning it's necessary to explain the War Mode system. The War Mode option is available for each character from level 20. It replaced the classic flagging system (PvP Enabled/Disabled), where player decided whether he/she prefers to participate in PvP combat. Where can I enable the War Mode?

  1. Where you can activate War Mode as a Horde player? - In Orgrimmar.
  2. Where you can activate War Mode as an Alliance player? - In Stormwind.
After enabling this mode you officially agree to take part in PvP skirmishes - PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth - FAQ - World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Game Guide

After enabling this mode you officially agree to take part in PvP skirmishes. It doesn't matter on which server you play. War Mode removes the division of server types - PvP and PvE servers are history, cause all servers have a 'normal' tag type since the pre-patch of Battle for Azeroth. It is up to you to enable War Mode to determine what type of gameplay you prefer. Thanks to this solution you will avoid a situation in which you meet someone reluctant to battle. You activate this mode on our own responsibility, at the same time agreeing to the conditions prevailing on PvP servers.

In return, players who take part in War Mode receive 10% more experience points for killing monsters or completing quests. However, it should be remembered that this option can only be turned on or off in the capital cities. For this reason, it is not possible to quickly switch off PvP mode in dangerous situations. In addition, PvP talents work only in the open world (i.e. outside of battlegrounds) when the War Mode is set to enabled.

PvP Talents

Unlike the Legion, PvP talents are much more affordable in the Battle for Azeroth. In the previous add-on, you unlocked access to them by collecting honor. Now, this set of bonus talents is connected with the process of leveling up our character.

Heroes on level 110 have access to four talent slots. The first slot, also known as the main slot, is responsible for PvP's talent, which was previously associated with a trinket. You have the smallest and most limited choice here. On the other hand, this slot is already unlocked at level 20.

The remaining three slots are acquired on the level of 40, 70 and 110 - PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth - FAQ - World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Game Guide

The remaining three slots are acquired on the level of 40, 70 and 110. However, these are additional talents and have a separate list of effects than the main slot. So you basically have to decide on one main talent and three extra talents.

You can choose what you like without any restrictions. In addition, there is nothing to stop you from changing talents according to your situation. Of course, this cannot be done in the middle of a fight - the character must be in a safe place.

When War Mode is enabled, you can use PvP talents even outside PvP battles - PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth - FAQ - World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Game Guide

When War Mode is enabled, you can use PvP talents even outside PvP battles. Nothing stands in the way of using them during your leveling process. Exceptions are raids and dungeons, which are not PvP zones, so PvP talents won't work there.

Open-world PvP

If you prefer playing with the War Mode enabled, you agree to participate in an open PvP. This means that in any situation (outside sanctuaries) a player from an enemy faction can attack you. However, Blizzard decided that for this reason the equipment should be scaled up a bit. If a player chooses PvP, he or she should have equal chances in almost every situation.

As a result, the difference between the item levels and quality of your equipment will have minimal impact on the skirmishes. A player with higher ilvl gear will have a higher number of health points and higher damage. However, these will be modest values, so that no one will have a huge advantage over an opponent. In every situation, the skills and spells - not statistics, will have a major impact on the combat. It is worth noting that this applies only to PvP.

Interestingly, with War Mode, players can use a Net-o-Matic 5000 item throughout Azeroth (and beyond) - PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth - FAQ - World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Game Guide

Interestingly, with War Mode, players can use a Net-o-Matic 5000 item throughout Azeroth (and beyond). What is the purpose of this device? To dismount an enemy player. If your opponent escapes from the battle or avoids it, you can ensure that he/she is thrown out of the saddle and has no chances of escape. This item will be especially useful when flying is going to be achievable in new zones. Many people tend to avoid skirmishes, despite the fact they've enabled the PvP. With Net-o-Matic 5000 you can even dismount the enemy player from a flying mount.

Bounty Hunters and Rewards

War Mode also has several other additional attractions. The first is the possibility of becoming a bounty hunter or being on the wanted list. If you successfully hunt the representatives of an enemy faction (in an open PvP mode) and kill them a sufficient number without dying, you will get a bonus. The game will flag you as an assassin of your faction and until your death, you're able to deal 15% more damage and 15% increased healing bonus.

However, when you become an assassin - you will automatically receive an unusual debuff - PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth - FAQ - World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Game Guide

However, when you become an assassin - you will automatically receive an unusual debuff. The enemy faction will set the prize for your head and place you on the wanted list. This way you will be visible on the map (by a special marking) to all players from the opposite faction in the zone where you gained the bonus. In addition, your opponents will receive an additional reward for killing you. As a result, you are going to be like 'shooting ducks' to all PvP enemies.

On the other hand, it works analogically. Hunting a wanted player for whom the prize has been set provides you a bonus. But it's worth remembering that such player killer deals increased damage and has increased healing capabilities, so it won't be that easy to defeat him.

War Supply Drops

Supply Drops are another novelty in the Battle for Azeroth. Occasionally, in War Mode, a gyrocopter will fly through the most dangerous locations in Zuldazar and Kul Tiras. This vehicle will be heard first, and then you may see it in the sky. It will fly in a straight line over the entire width of the given zone and at some point it will drop the cargo.

It is unknown when this will happen - PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth - FAQ - World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Game Guide

It is unknown when this will happen. The route of the gyrocopter is random and it is known that theoretically it flies every 20 minutes. However, the moment of the drop may take place at any time during its journey. The drop is not marked on the map, so you have to watch the sky all the time. In addition, the vehicle moves faster than the fastest flying mount, so it is not possible to overtake it or even catch up with it.

The drop will fall at the selected spot and the combat for it will start. Opposing factions will compete for the loots of the cargo. Whoever manages to win this battle will gain access to items from the airdrop. All representatives of the faction which got to open the airdrop can collect items from it if they are nearby. There are no rules for this competition - obtaining and opening the war supplies is everything that matters. Therefore, you must be careful and remember to check if someone hasn't already looted the drop in front of your nose.

Honor system in Battle for Azeroth

Honor is no longer a liquid currency in World of Warcraft. Now it serves as points of your participation in PvP. It can be won by taking part in skirmishes on arenas, battlegrounds or hunting rivals in War Mode. The more honor points you collect, the higher your Honor Level will be.

For reaching higher levels and ranks of honor, you will receive cosmetic awards, such as mounts, pets or titles - PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth - FAQ - World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Game Guide

For reaching higher levels and ranks of honor, you will receive cosmetic awards, such as mounts, pets or titles. You will get the first gift on level 5. Over time, the level requirements for next items will increase significantly and the whole thing should motivate you to play.

Honor Level does not affect your PvP talents and is shared across the entire account. It is therefore used to show the player's commitment to the war between the factions.


There is no shortage of battlegrounds in World of Warcraft. However, Blizzard considered that they needed to be sorted so players could choose more freely what they wanted to participate in. As a result, we can now decide whether we want to play on battlegrounds with fewer players or on those with a larger scale battles, the so-called Epic Battlegrounds. We are also talking about Wintergrasp, Tol Barad or Battle for Southshore, which may appear as battlefields. It is worth noting that Strand of the Ancients has been removed from the PvP pot.

What about people who would like to get better equipment by taking part in battles between players - PvP, War Mode and PvP gear in WOW Battle for Azeroth - FAQ - World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Game Guide

PvP Equipment

What about people who would like to get better equipment by taking part in battles between players? Conquest Points have been prepared for them. Every week, players will receive an order to earn a certain amount of these points. In this way, they will receive one part of their PvP equipment as a reward. Once they have collected the whole set, they will be able to fight anew, but for a better version of the equipment.

Players with a strong achievement record in the arenas will be able to fight for better prizes right away (without the need of gathering conquest points in a scheduled manner). Players who are just starting their adventure with PvP activities will never be behind, cause the system allows them to make up for the losses.

Conquest Points can be obtained by the following means:

  1. Rated Arenas
  2. Rated Battlegrounds
  3. Unrated Battlegrounds (they provide small and limited amount of conquest points)
  4. Epic Battlegrounds (weekly quests)
  5. Activities related with World PvP

Additionally, at the end of battles in arenas and battlegrounds you will get a chance to get equipment from the loot box. The loot from the reward chest will always be adjusted to your character class and spec so it's quite a well-deserved reward. But it won't give you a huge bonus to damage. Instead, it is supposed to correspond with your PvP level. For example, people at Gold (Challenger) level will receive equipment equal to loot from Normal Raids.

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