[Mission 02][Part: 2/2] Algeria | Walkthrough Rainbow Six Lockdown Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
You start off in a rather challenging spot, mainly because there's not too much space to plan something more interesting. Furthermore, the nearby square is crawling with enemy troops. You will also have to watch out for the canisters filled with a deadly Legion virus (#1). It would be best to stay as far away from them as possible. I'd recommend leaving your crew members behind... at least for a while. Start moving towards the square. First of all, take care of the nearby terrorists (#1). It would be best to aim at their heads.
WATCH OUT for the additional snipers, located on nearby balconies (#1). I should also warn you, that they will be replaced by new terrorists within a few seconds. The second group is stationed near the radio tower (#2). BEFORE you decide to move the whole team closer to the main square MAKE SURE you have taken out all visible terrorists.
I'd personally recommend moving towards the left building... that is... if you've managed to clear out ALL of the surrounding balconies (#1). Start shooting at the terrorists hiding by the nearby bus. Once they're gone, start running towards the glowing icon (#2). Wait for the rest of the team to show up!
You've probably noticed by now that the nearby door can't be opened. You will have to spend a little more time here in order to successfully break the lock. You can do this on your own or ask one of the teammates for help (#1). If you chose the second option press the SPACE key and then choose the 'OPEN' function. Head on to the next room. You will encounter a single terrorist here. Kill him. Move on to the next door. Open it carefully and start shooting at the visible soldiers (#2). Enter the room with the rest of the team in order to deal with the remaining soldiers.
You may proceed to the next room. You will probably notice some new terrorists. It would be wise to take care of them right now (#1). Headshots are most welcome in these types of situations. You could also ask your teammates for help. Once you've reached a new door enter the next corridor. You will encounter additional enemy forces here (#2).
Turn left and start moving forward. I would recommend leaving the rest of the team behind. Use the stairs in order to get to the upper floor. Stand by one of the windows. You should notice an enemy sniper (#1). Take him out. Thanks to that, you won't have any problems in the future. You may go back to your squad now. Head on to the nearby (right) corridor (#2).
Start moving towards the nearby alley. I would personally recommend staying close to the left wall. You will probably notice a small group of terrorists. It would be best to throw a couple of grenades at them (#1). An allied chopper will appear shortly. DON'T try following it!! Move a little bit closer, lean out carefully and take out a sniper hiding on the right balcony (#2). Chopper crew will inform you about the current situation. You will have to reach the extraction zone on your own.
You may proceed to the next section of the map. You will probably encounter some additional units along the way. Watch out for an enemy sniper, hidden in the nearby building (#1). Once you've reached the stairs, take out a single soldier (#2). Wait for the rest of the team members to show up. Move on to the first floor.
Now you will have to enter a nearby building (#1). I have to warn you, though. The room is going to be filled with enemy soldiers. You might want to consider storming the place. Alternatively, you could throw some grenades inside. Once you've cleared the first room, head on to the next one. A single soldier will be waiting for you here. Exit the building. Move up closer to the steel barrier. You should notice a few additional opponents (#2). Take them out. After that, use the nearby stairs.
The path is rather straightforward, so you shouldn't have any problems. Watch out for a single sniper, though (#1). He will be hiding in one of the windows located on the first floor. Move up closer to the steel gate in order to finish this mission (#2).