Scenario 7 - Germany | Game scenarios
Important! Following hints are based on these scenario settings:
Time limit - 1835-1980; Number of AI Players - 2. Randomize landscape and Randomize locations features have been deactivated.
The game won't force you to do anything. As a result, you will be able to customize the gameplay. For example, you have an opportunity to play each scenario without having to worry about the competition.
Here's the list of main mission objectives. You will have to fulfill them in order to succeed:
LEVEL 1 - Early Beginnings
You will have to complete all of these tasks by: 1870.
Level one objectives:
1) Make history in Saxony by connecting Leipzig and Dresden with Berlin.
I'm sure that you'll be very surprised to hear that this is a VERY simple objective. As a result, you won't have any problems finishing this assignment. The only thing that has to be do here is to establish a connection between three different cities. Thankfully, there's a very small distance separating these towns from each other. You won't have to create any expensive connections here. The next important thing involves the starting point. You will be able to choose between Dresden and Leipzig! This means that you will only have to reach two other towns in order to fulfill this mission objective. I would recommend that you choose Dresden for you start city, mostly because you won't have to build any bridges right away. You will also have an opportunity to earn some extra cash by exchanging goods and passengers with Berlin. Once you've established the first connection, you will be able to proceed with the second one. I would recommend connecting Dresden with Leipzig by building a small bridge. Like I've said before, you won't have to do this right away, however constructing this line would allow you to earn extra cash, especially since all of these town will start growing very fast. This will make all of these connections very profitable.
2) Help Dresden's growth as a commercial hub by delivering 15 carloads of passengers and mail from Berlin.
This is also a very simple objective. You should be able to fulfill this task without having to worry about anything in particular. The only thing that has to be done here is to deliver 15 carloads of passengers and 15 carloads of mail. You should be able to proceed with this mission objective right away, especially if you have started your game in Dresden. There's nothing else for you to do here. Also, you won't have to worry about the time limit. You'll have plenty of game years to finish up with this scenario objective.
3) Impress your shareholders by attaining a net worth of DM5 million.
This is a slightly more complicated task, however you should be able to finish it without any major problems. Just as before, you won't be allowed to make any mistakes. Invest your money into the most profitable connections and factories. There are a lot of towns in the area, so it shouldn't be much of a problem. You will be able to transport passengers and mail without having to worry about anything else. It's going to be more difficult with the factories. There aren't too many of them here and you'll be able to create only a few profitable connections. Thankfully, the first level of this scenario isn't short, so you'll have plenty of time to fulfill this mission objective.

If you decide to start your game in Dresden, you won't have any problems reaching Berlin and Leipzig. This will allow you to fulfill one of the primary tasks of this mission.
LEVEL 2 - Rise of the Landerbahnen
You will have to complete all of these tasks by: 1920.
Level two objectives:
1) Recreate the famous "Flying Hamburger" line by connecting Hamburg to Berlin.
Another simple objective? Why not! ;-) Once again, you won't have ANY problems completing this task. Furthermore, you won't have to perform any complicated actions. You should be able to find Hamburg to the west of Berlin. I would recommend that you expand your grid to that area of the map, mostly because you'll find new towns there. You'll be able to earn a lot of money by transporting passengers and mail. There are also some factories in that area of the map, including mines and farms. Sadly, you won't be able to choose between them, however you shouldn't have any problems with the connections. Also, you shouldn't wait for too long. Otherwise computer players would have appeared there. As for the main task, you will only have to establish a connection between Hamburg and Berlin. Make sure that you don't build any bridges or tunnels here. Start off by transporting passengers, however later during the game you should start thinking about selling manufactured goods.
2) Create a more beautiful and efficient city by building Terminals in Hamburg and Berlin.
I guess I won't surprise you by telling that once again you'll be dealing with a very simple objective. You should be getting used to this by now and I'm sure that you still remember about the possibility of building terminals. These objects must be placed near every large city that is already connected to your grid. This time you will only have to purchase two of these objects, however I'm sure that you've already taken care of this problems. There is nothing else for you to do here. Building two terminals will allow you to fulfill this scenario objective.
3) Achieve a speed record transporting passengers from Hamburg to Berlin.
You'll have more to do here. Nevertheless, this isn't going to be a very difficult objective. The most important thing here is to follow the instructions. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to break the speed record. You will have to use one of the Hamburg-Berlin connections and the train itself must be transporting passengers. As you've probably suspected, you will only have to add one carriage. Doing this will increase your chances to achieve a speed record. I would also recommend waiting for game to unlock one of the better locomotives. Otherwise you would have some serious problems reaching the necessary speed. You could also build a large bridge in this area, however it won't be necessary. Instead, make sure that the train isn't interrupted by other units. You should build a lot of parallel tracks here. Also, choose the high priority for this unit in order to avoid unwanted stops.

Before you even try to break the speed record, make sure that you have one of the faster locomotives at your disposal. You should also be using a free line, so your train won't be stopped by any other units.
LEVEL 3 - Reichsbahn to Deutsche Bahn
You will have to complete all of these tasks by: 1980.
Level three objectives:
1) Rebuild a better Germany by connecting Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, and Cologne.
This is one of the most time-consuming objectives of this entire mission. Thankfully, you shouldn't have any major problems with it. You will have to expand your railroad empire towards the middle and southern area of the map. I would recommend starting off near Hamburg. You should be able to find a lot of other towns here. You'll be able to use them to your advantage. Establish a connection between Hamburg and Rotterdam. You should be able to reach some of the required towns from here. You will also find a lot of factories in this area. Make sure that you have added them to your existing grid. Alternatively, you could start off near Berlin, however you'd probably have to deal with computer players. A lot of bridges would have to be built here and that's just too expensive. You should try and reach Frankfurt Am Main. It would be best to connect this city with Rotterdam. Probably you won't have to build any bridges here, so it'll be quite cheap to reach the new area. Your next big step should be Cologne. I had to help this city to grow, because I wasn't able to transport passengers right away. Thankfully, you should find a lot of factories here, so you won't have any problems delivering much needed resources. I had to deliver grain and I was able to find a farm near Frankfurt Am Main. I hope that you'll also be lucky. I would recommend leaving Munich for the final phase of this mission. Reaching it would probably mean building a few bridges. You could also wait for one of the town mayors to start a contest. Thanks to that, you'd also be able to earn some money here. Thankfully, you won't have to build new locomotives. The game will only allow you to connect these cities. The rest is up to you, so you may as well ignore these connections.
2) Modernize German industry by building or purchasing steel mills in Frankfurt and Munich.
This is a rather simple objective. You could use these factories to fulfill the third objective of this level of the scenario, however this won't be necessary. I've decided to use other towns to manufacture steel. Nevertheless, you will have to acquire two steel mills. Sadly, you probably won't be able to participate in an auction. Instead, you will have to buy these buildings. I would recommend delaying these operations, as they will cost you a lot of money. I would also like to add that each of these steel mills should be supplied with coal. This will allow you to generate additional profits. Don't worry if there aren't any mines in these areas, because you'll only need to build the steel mills in order to fulfill this scenario objective.
3) Deliver 50 carloads of automobiles to any destination in Germany.
You will have to start thinking about completing this objective much earlier, preferably during the second phase of the scenario. This is very important, because manufacturing and delivering 50 automobiles is going to take A LOT of time. Before this happens, you will have to create several production chains. First of all, you will have to locate all coal mines. Start off by choosing those mines that haven't been taken over by the competition. Thanks to that, you'll be able to deliver coal without any major problems. Now you will have to choose towns that are located near these mines. I've chosen Rotterdam and Poznan. You will have to build steel mills there. The objective is rather obvious - you will have to start production of steel. The last step will be to choose one of the largest towns in the area. That's where you'll be delivering steel. I've chosen Berlin, but you can pick something else. The most important thing here is that the steel should be delivered to that city without any major delays. This isn't everything. You will also have to purchase an automobile factory. This shouldn't be much of a problem, since most of the cities will have three production slots at your disposal. Last but not least, you will have to find cities that will be interested in buying manufactured cars. Make sure that they're in the same area, so the transportation process won't take too long. It would also be wise to maximize the production rate. Make sure that each automobile has been sold (delivered to some other city). You could also create other automobile factories, however this probably won't be necessary. You should have plenty of time to fulfill this mission objective. Just make sure that you have started the production process much earlier and you should be fine. Also, try and stop the competition from "stealing" your manufactured automobiles.

You will have to deliver some of the manufactured steel. It will be used to produce automobiles.
This picture shows the most important cities of the region:
1 - Leipzig; 2 - Dresden; 3 - Berlin; 4 - Hamburg; 5 - Szczecin; 6 - Poznan; 7 - Prague; 8 - Frankfurt Am Main; 9 - Rotterdam; 10 - Cologne; 11 - Luxembourg; 12 - Liechtenstein; 13 - Munich; 14 - Bozen; 15 - Weis; 16 - Vienna.
Red lines show three cities that need to be connected in the first place (not necessarily in a straight line). Green line shows two cities that need to be connected during the second level of the scenario. Blue lines show four cities that need to be connected during the final phase of this mission.

Additional hints for the entire scenario:
As always, you will be able to choose between several starting areas. All of these towns seem to be quite interesting. The game will allow you to start the game in towns like Munich or Frankfurt Am Main. Like I've said before, I'd strongly recommend choosing one of the cities that are located near Berlin. You will have to make a choice between Leipzig and Dresden. I've decided to take the second option, however you won't make a mistake by choosing Leipzig. The most important thing here is that you'll be able to proceed with one of the primary objectives right away. Thanks to that, you'll have plenty of time to worry about some of the upcoming goals.
You will have to start this scenario by creating several simple connections. I'm sure that you won't have any problems with this, especially since you won't have to worry about the terrain too much. There aren't any mountains here, so you'll only have to avoid rivers. You should also add Berlin to your grid. This will allow you to begin the transportation process. You will find some industrial facilities here, including a mine. I'd strongly recommend that you add them to your grid. Also, make sure that the resources are being delivered to nearby cities. Take a closer look at the northern part of the map. You'll be able to find several interesting towns here, including Szczecin and Poznan. It's going to be very easy to help this cities to grow. You will only have to make sure that the resources are being delivered there. Once the cities have grown, you'll be able to switch into more profitable connections. I wouldn't recommend leaving this area behind, because your competitors would have decided to enter this area. One of the computer players will probably decide to build a terminal in Berlin. Sadly, you won't be able to prevent this from happening.

There should be at least one coal mine in this area. Add it to your existing grid.
I would recommend heading towards the western side of the map. You should be able to find at least two larger towns here - Rostock and Hamburg. You're going to have to connect Hamburg in order to fulfill one of the primary objectives. There are also a few factories in this area. Try choosing some the most interesting objects and add them to your grid. I wouldn't recommend expanding to the central part of the map. That's where your competitors are probably playing and you would only lose more money trying to avoid their grids. You could consider these actions later during the game, however you must have a lot of profitable connections, so you won't lose too much money here. You should try building new connections around Berlin. That's where most of your trains should be. You will also have an opportunity to create several production chains. This will allow you to manufacture food, steel or even beer.
Remember that you will be able to participate in several contests. Sadly, most of them will require you to build a connection to unaccessible cities. Once you've created a larger number of connections, try moving to the south of Hamburg. Add Rotterdam to your existing grid. This is one of the biggest town of the area, so you'll be able to earn a lot of money here. Also, take a closer look at the industrial facilities. Some of them may come in handy. You can't forget about your connected cities. They will be growing. This means that you will have to take care of some of the new types of needs.

It would be wise to connect Rotterdam with your existing grid (Hamburg area), mostly because you should be able to find a lot of industrial facilities here.
Try expanding even more into this territory. You should be receiving a huge income from the nearby factories, mostly because they'll be supplying your towns with much needed goods. Don't forget about your current mission objectives. It's very important that you proceed to the third level of the scenario as soon as possible. One of your primary tasks will require you to add Frankfurt to the existing grid. I wasn't able to reach it from Berlin, so I had to create a line from the western side of the map. Make sure that you plan each step carefully, so you won't have to spend too much money. It would also be wise to add new tracks to your grid all the time. You will also have to create a connection to Cologne. Furthermore, you will have an opportunity to help this city to grow. It's very important, because you could be making a lot of money here.
Go ahead and participate in several auctions. You should try and win some of the more interesting inventions. Winning factories is equally important, especially if they're located in your towns. Try creating a larger number of production chains. You should be able to manufacture paper, as well as food and steel. You should also consider moving towards some of the occupied factories, however you would have to order your trains to wait for a full load. Sawmills are a great example here, especially since there's only going to be a few of them on the map.

Try growing Cologne into a much larger city. Thankfully, you shouldn't have any problems delivering some of the necessary resources.
The final phase of this mission will require you to move to the central and southern part of the map. Thankfully, you will be able to create a few interesting production chains here. As a result, you won't have to worry about expensive connections so much, because you'll start receiving additional income very soon. You should consider adding Luxembourg and Liechtenstein to your main grid. As you've probably noticed, Liechtenstein has been located on the top of a mountain, however I would recommend creating at least one line towards this city. You should be able to help Liechtenstein to grow by establishing a connection with Bozen. This is not necessary, however you should consider having these lines.
You could also try and take away some of the occupied regions. Start off by targeting some of the most profitable industrial facilities. Make sure that you order your trains to wait for a full load. You shouldn't have any problems constructing more expensive lines, mostly because you'll be receiving huge profits from the existing connections. I wouldn't recommend taking over your competitors. You probably won't be able to gather enough money to do this. Also, AI players are playing quite aggressively on this map and they won't have any problems creating a highly profitable railroad empire. You'd need A LOT of money to take care of them. It's best to focus your attention on the existing connections. Upgrade them, especially if nearby towns have grown recently. This will allow you to gather more points. Don't forget about the possibility of buying new locomotives!

You could try and take over the southern part of the map. For example, you will have an opportunity to help Liechtenstein to grow into a metropolitan area.
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