Storyline solution - Part 2


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1 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Your conversation is interrupted by Pamela - she informs Nick, that the police want to see him again - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Your conversation is interrupted by Pamela - she informs Nick, that the police want to see him again. You should remember well, where Police Station in Oxnard is. This next mission is called again "Go to the Police Station" and you've got 120 minutes for contacting with detective Metzger. On Police Station in Oxnard detective Metzger shows Nick a lug wrench that belongs to our driver, which was found yesterday near the body of... Jack Murdoc! Someone killed him and this cop is convinced that was you (but you still remember that you've lent this wrench to Crane, right?).

Sergeant was just about to slap the cuffs on, when Frank Dakota appeared again and somehow got you out of there, driving away in his top grade truck right after.

2 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
In front of the Police Station in Oxnard you'll meet also Crane - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

In front of the Police Station in Oxnard you'll meet also Crane. He gave your wrench to Matthew a while back. Fat man says also that Frank Dakota is another mysterious guy here - Crane calls him a "dark horse", a "phantom". No one knows where's Dakota from, or what his business is. Dakota doesn't work for anyone and his ride is top grade, a real beast. He doesn't seem to be interested in profit at all and he's rarely seen at the truck stops. Crane heard also that Storm Express stays away from Dakota for some reason... Lastly Crane says he's quitting and going out on his own, since he makes troubles for Nick - therefore he feels himself guilty. Well, sayonara, crisco!

Now you have to drive a little, doing what you want. After some longer time your secretary Pamela Russell will contact with you using CB-radio. If she takes her time and doesn't call, try to pull into a truck stop - during my gameplay she contacted me when I was visiting some "60 miles" bar. She's got some new informations for Nick. She says that somebody named Cunning waits in the main office of Nick Trucking company in Oxnard and wants Nick to pay a gigantic fine for the loss of his cargo. I.e. that special cargo, which Nick delivered to the mysterious John Doe waiting on the road number 14 to Palmdale, belonged to Cunning, but was supposed to be delivered to somebody else. Not to John Doe - he just fabricated the delivery sheet. Obviously you have to talk to Cunning personally and clarify all the matters at the main office in Oxnard. I'm sure you were there many times so you know perfectly how to get there. This mission is called just "Meet with Cunning" and you've got 60 minutes of time limit to get to the office. If you're doing some tasks currently, try to organize your work well, to be at the meeting in time.

3 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Steve Cunning works for the government and he decided to forget about Nick's debts - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Steve Cunning works for the government and he decided to forget about Nick's debts. But this is the end of the good news. Cunning and his men have been trying to get a handle on a certain criminal group engaged in the production and distribution of a powerful new synthetic hallucinogen. These criminals have been using a transport service as their cover. Knowing Matthew's criminal ties Cunning and he together put a fake order to deliver a large batch of the more costly chemicals through Topokinaki's company. The plan was to lure the criminal group into stealing the cargo and then follow Matthew to their laboratory. But something went wrong along the way, Matthew probably got himself killed, the delivery passed on to Nick and he managed to lose both Cunning's men and the criminals. Though the cargo was stolen by an unknown third party - some lone wolf (the mysterious John Doe) faked the waybill and snatched the trailer right from under everyone's noses. Nick is afraid about his life, thinks that these mobsters will probably just kill him now. So Cunning recommends Nick to leave the state, at least for now, to be on the safe side, until Cunning and his men find this gang and put them behind the bars. Nick refuses to do it and Cunning says that in this case he can't guarantee Nick's safety here.

You have to drive a little again and make some money, etc. After some time Frank Dakota will contact with Nick Armstrong over CB-radio, as usual. He wants to meet with our driver again at the main office of Nick Trucking Company in Oxnard. You've got approx. 25 minutes to get there and this mission is called simply "Talk to Dakota".

4 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Frank Dakota has Native American features and he turns out to be a federal agent - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Frank Dakota has Native American features and he turns out to be a federal agent. He invited to the meeting Monica Dalancy also, who is a journalist and an author of series of articles about the road killings and robberies. The truckers who got attacked in all of these events were transporting some chemicals and all the attacks took place on Highway 108. Those who survived reported seeing the black truck of John Doe, to whom Nick delivered a special cargo earlier (this cargo was later destroyed by bandits, nobody knows why). Nick reminds himself that there was a picture of a cobra on the mudflaps of the black truck and Matthew Tierson had the same thing tattooed. Dakota's feds will try to bring down Storm Express and Nick agrees to be a part of this plan. For openers Monica is going to mention Nick's encounter with the black truck in her next article and if it really was Matt in this truck (as Nick suspects) he will probably try to get in touch with Nick.

Again you have to rove a little across the California state. At one point, as you suspected, Matthew will contact Nick using the CB-radio. Ha has a proposal of meeting in Red Rock Canyon on the 14 between Mojave and Lone Pine. This mission's name is "Meet with Matthew" and you've got 26 minutes to get to the place.

5 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Crane calls you when you're going to the meeting (he contacted me when I was near Mojave in my gameplay) - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Crane calls you when you're going to the meeting (he contacted me when I was near Mojave in my gameplay). When he hears that Nick is going to meet Matt, he tries to talk Nick out of this idea. Fat man thinks this is an ambush and Matthew wants to shoot our driver. At the end of this conversation you'll have a choice between disregarding Crane's feedback by going to the meeting, which may require canceling current task (if you're doing one currently), and taking Crane's advice seriously by resigning from the meeting with a friend. Here the game is bugged twice: if you choose first option then your current task will not always be canceled and sometimes you can finish it (if you're hauling something to Mojave) and still be able to get to the meeting punctually. Though usually game works fine at this moment, your current order is canceled and you may leave behind your cargo. Second bug manifests in that way, that even after the resignation from the meeting it's still active in your hand held organizer as a task, and you can still complete it - I think this shouldn't look like this... So if you care about the fee for your current order, then you can choose 2nd option (not going for the meeting with Matthew) when talking to Crane, deliver your cargo to Mojave, and after this go to the meeting. But if you don't care about the money, or you're not making any delivery at this moment, then you can choose 1st option and go to the meeting with Matt, as I did.

A cut scene starts when you're close to the spot in Red Rock Canyon on the 14 between Lone Pine and Mojave. You can see Nick's truck being pursued by Matthew's one (it has cobra pictures on both mudflaps). Matt goes like the wind and tries to pass Nick to save our driver's life - somebody launches from the nearby hills a rocket aimed at Nick's vehicle! Obviously someone wants to see Nick dead...

6 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
But brave Matthew manages to cut Nick off and cover him from a rocket, though this heroic action ends tragically for Matt and his truck - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

But brave Matthew manages to cut Nick off and cover him from a rocket, though this heroic action ends tragically for Matt and his truck.

When the cutscene ends and the road is magically cleared up of the wreck and Matt's body, you can again drive where you want. You have to bum around for a while only (this time), to be able to pass to another episode of the storyline. This is the next conversation over the CB-radio with our sagamore Frank "The black ponytail" Dakota, who will contact Nick by himself. This chitchat has a similar progress, regardless of being an eye-witness of Matt's death when meeting him, or avoiding the meeting with a friend in canyon. In both cases Matthew dies, but when you've resigned to meet him earlier, you'll be informed about his death now, by Dakota. Nick doesn't like the way in which Frank talks about his friend (for Dakota Matt is only the dead witness). Dakota says also that the hunt for Nick is on, things are looking pretty bad and he will contact Nick later. Howgh!

7 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
The mysterious John Doe calls after some time of driving around - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The mysterious John Doe calls after some time of driving around. Johnny says that Crane and Dorothy were taken as hostages by him and his dudes. He wants Nick to sell him Nick's Trucking (on his terms). This criminal demands also from Nick to leave the state and gives our driver three days for accomplishing his requests. But our brave driver knows that even if he agrees, thugs from Storm Express won't let the hostages go.

Shortly after this conversation a journalist Monica Dalancy contacts with Nick using CB-radio. She's got good news - she was able to find and photograph thugs' hideout (the laboratory) after all. There's a small road running through the forest that goes off the 108, about 4 miles from the interchange with Highway 395. It continues through the gorge and over a lake to a small valley in the mountains. Apparently, it's a fortress - the valley is blocked by a large rock and there is armored gate on one side. Nick asks Monica to inform about her discovery Frank Dakota and a certain John, friend of Nick.

8 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Frank Dakota from FBI should call after a short time - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Frank Dakota from FBI should call after a short time. He is going to mount a major raid and take thugs down with the usage of helicopters. But Nick dissuades Frank from doing this, by saying that such an action will provoke the criminals to kill the hostages and destroy the evidence. So instead of raiding the hideout with full force things should be done discreetly. Our driver already has a plan in his head, but he needs the assistance of Dakota and above-mentioned John. All three gentlemen invite out for a meeting at the truck stop to the North from Bridgeport. You've got approx. 4,5 minutes to get to the place and the mission is called "Meet at the truck stop".

The truck stop is located to the North from Bridgeport, as I wrote above, towards Minden, near the junction of Highway 395 and road number 108 that leads to the West. Thus not so far away from thugs' hideout.

9 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
At the truck stop all three gentlemen discuss their plan - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

At the truck stop all three gentlemen discuss their plan. First redheaded John goes to the rock and sets up the ramp. Then it's Dakota's turn - he takes the jump and smashes the base of the water tower to the left - it should fall on the roof of the laboratory. Then Nick takes his jump and hits the supporting cables (beams) on the right. If everything will go according to the plan, the laboratory should collapse. Lastly redheaded John gives a valuable hint to both gentlemen - speed up to 65 mph when you hit the jump.

Nick tells they will meet inside the gorge, then line up and make the run. He'll head out 10 minutes after both guys - first he must acquaint himself with his new toy given for that occasion by brick-top. It's a dilly, very fast and designed with a futuristic look truck called Cheetah. Though when Nick seats behind the wheel calls John with a warning that mafia hacked the Cheetah's computer and turned it into a time bomb! It will go off in a few short minutes!

10 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
So you have only 9 minutes to

So you have only 9 minutes to "Go to the gorge" marked on your mini-map with an orange arrow and on the map in your hand held organizer book with red arrow. Then maybe John will be able to stop the explosion somehow. Luckily rocket-propelled Cheetah is a very strong machine that accelerates to 100 mph very quickly and additionally it has a NITRO booster installed, which increases Cheetah's engine power even more.

So exit the truck stop and drive West by road 108 towards Mi-Wuk-Village. It's a fairly tight, mountainous road with hairpin bends. Observe the right roadside and look out for large, yellow road signs. Come to think of it, when you're close to 3rd of them, after passing several very sharp turnings, you should see the woody clearing on the right roadside - drive into it.

11 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
A moment later turn right again (branch to the left is a dead end) - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

A moment later turn right again (branch to the left is a dead end).

Drive straight on, till you see a lake ahead of you. All should be easier to find, if you play this mission at day. But when playing at night, this characteristic darkness can be a problem, so turn on upper headlight beams. Drive across the lake using a dyke - better not to skid on it, or you'll finish your game in the water!

12 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Turn left right behind the dyke - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Turn left right behind the dyke. And then race towards the orange arrow on your mini-map. Watch out for individual trees and stones on the ground!

When you see in the distance the headlights of some vehicle (or this vehicle by itself, if you're driving at day) begins the cutscene. Right before this moment it is worth to save your game, because later you won't be able to do this for a period of time.

13 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Redheaded John quickly sets up a ramp mounted on his vehicle, thus allowing both stuntmen (Dakota and Nick) to jump over the chasm blocking further way to the Storm Express laboratory (hideout) - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Redheaded John quickly sets up a ramp mounted on his vehicle, thus allowing both stuntmen (Dakota and Nick) to jump over the chasm blocking further way to the Storm Express laboratory (hideout). First jumps Dakota's truck.

After the landing Dakota smashes the base of the water tower located to the left and it falls on the roof of the laboratory almost completely devastating it.

14 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Now it's your turn to finish this work of destruction - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Now it's your turn to finish this work of destruction. Note, that you're unable to save your game, so better don't make a mistake! First you have to jump over the charm too. In order to do this run onto the ramp - in the initial phase you can accelerate by turning on (for a moment) your NITRO booster. You have to speed up to 65mph at least, to be able to jump over the charm. If you won't be able to accelerate up to this speed, or you badly run onto the ramp, you'll end your gameplay by falling into the charm (you can see red laser beams in it on my picture).

I wouldn't recommend running onto the ramp with speed exceeding 65-70 mph, because you will have to quickly brake after the landing, in order to avoid hitting the red explosive barrels situating in front of the laboratory. Hitting'em also causes Nick's death! So better brake using the hand brake, for example. Do you remember what was the plan? Dakota had to drive to the left (in the distance you can see his truck on my picture) and Nick had to turn right! If you did a mistake, you'll also end your game, because Nick's truck will be destroyed by a thug armed with grenade launcher, which appears on the roof of the laboratory.

15 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
So turn to the right when closing to red barrels, by-pass them and hit the supporting cables (beams) on the left - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

So turn to the right when closing to red barrels, by-pass them and hit the supporting cables (beams) on the left.

If everything goes as planned the laboratory should collapse completely now.

16 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Then begins the next cut scene - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Then begins the next cut scene. Both hostages (Crane and Dorothy) are set free. Redheaded John informs our driver that the bomb in Cheetah has been neutralized and asks Nick to take his rocket propelled truck to Bridgeport for him. Nick, Dakota, Crane and Dorothy are going to the bar to Mi-Wuk-Village, to celebrate this great victory over Storm Express thugs.

During this meeting Dorothy shows Dakota a folder of documents about Storm Express company she has managed to find, while she was in the laboratory. These docs exposes clearly that ... the fat man Cochrane stays behind all of this! He was a true owner of Storm Express, he killed Murdoc when this thug stopped being useful and that was him, who tried to frame Nick for that murder!

17 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
And now Crane discreetly decamps only to steal Dakota's truck and try to kill you all by crashing half the bar - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

And now Crane discreetly decamps only to steal Dakota's truck and try to kill you all by crashing half the bar.

You have to get him before he picks you off one by one - this is the last mission of the storyline. Crane tries to escape in Dakota's truck, but you shouldn't have any problems with capturing him, because Nick still got a rocket-propelled Cheetah at his disposition. I'd suggest saving your game status right after taking a seat behind the Cheetah's wheel. A moment later turn on the engine and follow Crane by the road - he escapes towards Manteca (in all probability).

18 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
You should be able to get close to him in just dozen of seconds - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You should be able to get close to him in just dozen of seconds. Just use your NITRO booster on some straight stretch of the road to quickly catch up with the evader.

When you're really close to him... his car simply explodes - this is the end of the pursuit.

19 - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough
And the end of the story too - Storyline solution - Part 2 - RignRoll - Game Guide and Walkthrough

And the end of the story too. You should be awarded with both "Trucker of the Year" title and the Golden Bison award. But you can also play more, perambulate round virtual California in your truck (unfortunately Cheetah returns to its rightful owner). You can also still run your business, make deliveries or other additional tasks. The firm's account should be filled with a sum of 500k of $.


November 27, 2009

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