WoW's Northrend Recreated in Valheim
What do World of Warcraft and Valheim have in common? Creative fans recreating the locations from Azeroth in the Iron Gate's game. One modder even created a playable version of the Northrend continent known from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

It's no secret that gamers love to transfer popular franchises to virtual worlds. Just take a look at mods, projects, etc. conquering Reddit, and inspired by Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. This applies mainly to sandboxes like Minecraft and Valheim. The latter title attracted World of Warcraft fans, who took it upon themselves to recreate locations native to Azeroth.
Most of these projects are purely visual. The players faithfully reproduce places known from Blizzard's MMORPG, such as Stormwind created by Reddit user ericxsg. The creator tried to include all the details of the Alliance city using objects available in Valheim, helping himself with the view of Stormwind in World of Warcraft on a second monitor. Fortunately, the Internet user did not have to collect the resources (he recreated the location in creative mode), but still lost a lot of time solving one or another problem (for example, the gradual destruction of wood in contact with water).
There were already many similar works (vide Ironforge and Lions Pride Inn from a month ago), but modder DrakonmanTheFox set a different goal for himself. The modder wanted to recreate the frigid continent of Northrend not as a decoration, but as a mod that enables us to actually play out an adventure from Azeroth in Valheim. It's true that the actual dungeons (which means that related objects may appear in slightly different places than in the original) and the famous citadel of the Lich King are missing, but DrakonmanTheFox faithfully recreated all of the biomes known from the northern continent of WoW, which required considerable terrain transformations. The whole thing looks significantly worse than the aforementioned artistic creations, so as not to overload the computer (read: not to cause drastic fps drops).
We start the game in the Howling Fjord, which is important in that the mod's creator took into account the increasing difficulty level of each region reflecting what we know from Wrath of the Lich King. There is also a lot of new content, including Draugr villages, goblins, stone fortresses and cave trolls. We can download the mod from Nexus Mods, but it requires another mod to work - Better Continents. DraconmanTheFox also recommends installing Epic Loot in connection with the addition of the aforementioned content. After downloading the archive from World of Warcraft - Northrend mod tab, unzip it to the "worlds" folder ("AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds").