Horde and Alliance Together in WoW? Game's Director Comments

Horde and Alliance will join forces? Fans have long been demanding this possibility for a long time, and the game's director decided to comment on the matter.

Ion Hazzikostas, director of WoW, referred to the possibility of both main factions of World of Warcraft playing together, in the context of the announced changes to the Covenant system in update 9.1.5. Such cross-play feature has long been on the wish list of the game's community, which we wrote about here.

As you can see, the devs are aware of the limitations of the hard division into Horde and Alliance, which makes it impossible to play together in raids, smaller instances of dungeons or "Mythic" since the very beginning of World of Warcraft. The community has been demanding changes in this matter for a long time, and the upcoming update seems to be a step in that direction. It's about the aforementioned modification of the Covenant system from the Shadowlands expansion, i.e. factions influencing the player's further actions. Changing faction is possible, but comes with a penalty - the player must redo a series of tasks. In patch 9.1.5, at the request of players, the penalties will disappear. Furthermore, transmogs gained with one faction will be usable while belonging to the other.

In another statement, Hazzikostas said that the introduction of cross-play is not an easy matter and requires major changes, which the developers will have to take care of. So all in all it seems that the appearance of this option in World of Warcraft is just a matter of time.

Update 9.1.5 is now available on the public test server. The release date for all players has not yet been announced.

World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004

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