Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Warrior Priest Build (2022)
Have you decided to buy the DLC for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 and unlocked Warrior Priest of Sigmar? Here you will find the build for this profession of Victor Saltzpyre.

In Warhammer: Vermintide 2 you can control one of five characters. Among them is Victor Saltzpyre, for whom one of the available professions is Warrior Priest of Sigmar. Below you will find a sample build for this class.
Warrior Priest of Sigmar is a profession that can be chosen by Victor Saltzpyre. However, it is not available in the basic version of the game. So if you want to choose this class, you will have to purchase the Warrior Priest Career DLC. However, this is not a particularly large expense.
Warrior Priest of Sigmar - best weapon.
Warrior Priest of Sigmar is a powerful individual who specializes in close combat. So, if you decide on this character, you must bear in mind that you will not be given a choice of any weapons for ranged attacks.
In the case of this profession, the best weapon is definitely Flail & Shield combo. It increases attack speed and reduces the cost of blocking attacks. In addition, it is great at breaking enemy shields and crowd control.
As for the second weapon, on the other hand, you can choose it according to your preferences.
- Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Class Tier List (2022).
- Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Unchained and Sister of the Thorn Builds (2022)
Warrior Priest of Sigmar - sample build
Warrior Priest of Sigmar derives its power from faith. Thanks to it, he is able to deal powerful damage and heal himself and his team members. Every 5 character levels you will be able to unlock another talent. You always have a choice of one of three options. In the case of this profession, the most important thing is for you to unlock:
- Enternal Vigilance - a talent that you can choose at level 5. It gives you temporary healing, dealing damage to stunned enemies.
- Rising Judgement - a talent that can be unlocked at level 10. Thanks to it, hits on enemies increase the power of the next charged attack by 8%. This ability can accumulate to a maximum of 5 tokens.
The later talents can be chosen at your own discretion. It all depends on whether you care more about healing or dealing more damage. If you choose option number one then opt for The Comet's Gift and From Fury, Fortitude. In the second case, it is worth investing in Divine Excoriation and United in Prayer.