Warcraft 3: Reforged Still Without Promised Features
Ten months after the release of Warcraft III: Reforged, Reddit user Angzt once again summarized the game's development so far. Unfortunately, despite the promises, many elements from the original Warcraft 3 are still missing, despite Blizzard's promises.

Few words can evoke both joy and horror, but "remake" is undoubtedly one of them. Gamers (and not only them) always dream of their beloved series returning in new robes, but they are also afraid of getting a monster that both fans and devs will want to forget about. The recent launch of XII was a crowning example of this, as was the remaster of Warcraft III: Reforged. In the latter case, Blizzard assured that it will try to repair the game, which was met with severe criticism on release. What came out of these promises? This question is answered by user Angzt from Reddit in a thread summarizing the development of the refreshed Warcraft 3.
Blizzard and broken promises
Let us remind: the criticism of the refreshed Warcraft 3 comes down to many elements, but the biggest thorn in the community's side was the lack of functions known from the original. And it was not about some irrelevant trivialities. The clan system, player profiles, ranking ladders, automatic tournaments and the possibility to play on our own maps for solo player and campaigns were removed from the game. By May we had received the penultimate of these options, but the rest is still missing, even though Blizzard was supposed to make ranking mode a priority back in July.
This does not mean that there were no updates on the way. Warcraft III: Reforged received eight patches, the first of which focused on technical improvements and the last one on the game balance. Only one of them went along the line of gamers' wishes, adding the support for fan-made maps for solo player. Although since May, Blizzard has been more communicative, which has resulted in the publication of development plans and entries to ensure us that the work on player profiles, World Editor, ranking mode, etc is ongoing. However, yesterday three months have passed since the last news of this type, and none of them have given any time frame. In other words, we still have no idea about the progress of these changes or the planned date of their implementation.
Warcraft 3: Reforged, patch 1.1
Of course, one could question the theses of a random Internet user, but there are some issues that need to be addressed. The thread founded by Angzt has gained more than 10,000 likes on Reddit, which shows that a lot of players agree with his opinion. It's also easy to find posts on the official Blizzard forum in recent weeks, where gamers ask about further development of Warcraft III: Reforged, all left unanswered by the developers.

But the funniest (and saddest) thing about all this is... the list of changes to the post. Its content was copied from a May topic and only four things had to be changed: the number of months and updates since its release, the content of newer updates and an excerpt about in-game communication. There is also an addition in the form of praise for the modders responsible for the creation of the W3Champions tool, introducing, among other things, fan-made ranking ladders, matchmaking and player profiles on the game level. Another word, elements that should be present in Warcraft III: Reforged for release, but which are still neither seen nor heard of.
- Warcraft III: Reforged - official website
- Blizzard - official homepage
- Warcraft III: Reforged - game guide
- The Release of Warcraft 3 Reforged Makes No Sense for Blizzard