Valve Swiftly Fixes CSGO Bug After Tournament Controversy
During PGL Major Antwerp 2022 in CSGO, one of the G2 Esports players took advantage of a bug that gave him a signidicant advantage over his opponents. However, Valve instantly responded by fixing the bug.

CSGO is one of the oldest FPS games on the market, but there are still some bugs in it. One of them, related to the smoke grenade, was exploited by player m0NESY during the PGL Major Antwerp 2022 tournament. Valve, however, did not linger this time and the bug was almost immediately fixed.
Schrödinger's smoke
During the match between G2 Esports and Imperial Esports a player from the former threw a smoke grenade in the window on Mirage. As we could see, watching the match from his perspective, the smoke did not cover the entire window, and a small gap remained in its corner.
The smoke dispersed in the window looked completely different from the opponents' point of view. From the other end of the midfield, it also seemed to cover the corner of the location where m0NESY was located. You can see the whole situation in the video below.
Valve was quick to respond
The bug on the map did not live long, because Valve introduced to a patch to CSGO just hours after the bug was reported. What seems strange, however, is the fact that m0NESY stated that G2 Esports had asked the PGL organizers if they could use that particular smoke, to which they have allegedly said yes.

While the backstory of the situation is not clear, we can have no doubt that Valve acted very quickly, ensuring that pro gamers would not use the bug to their team's advantage from now on.