New Update for Valheim; Enemies no Longer Stuck in Dungeons
A new update for Valheim, the popular survival game from Iron Gate, has been released.

Hit survival game Valheim has received a new update. It bears the number 0.217.12 and for now is available in the form of public tests, so keep in mind that not everything may yet be perfectly polished.
- To check the patch, right-click on Valheim in the Steam client and select "Properties." In the new window, go to the "Beta" tab and enter the code "yesimadebackups."
- On the other hand, to access the patch testing with PC Game Pass, launch the Xbox Insider Hub app. Go to "Previews," then find "Valheim Public Test" and use the Join option. Wait for registration to complete so that you will be redirected to the store, and then install "Valheim Public Test."
Valheim 0.217.12 - what's new?
The patch brings many changes.
- The scaling of the size and speed of enemies in dungeons on high difficulty has been removed, so there are no longer problems with these characters getting stuck in environmental elements.
- Fixed world modifiers not displaying or being cut off if they were too long for dedicated servers on Steam.
- Magecap and Jotunpuffs plants can only be grown again in Mistlands.
- Tin, Obsidian, Guck and many destructible objects now have their appearance frequency scaled correctly based on the selected resource configuration for the world.
- Players can finally activate sprinting while running automatically.
- Players can no longer zoom out in the build menu.
- Fixed an issue causing the mouse to lock up for a short time when selecting a build item.
- Fixed a bug causing the boiler to not be interactive.
- Autocomplete commands in the console will no longer skip entries in the list.
- Fixed color flickering when placing a beech sapling.
- In addition, shading of vegetation and reflections has been fixed in the Xbox version.