Today's Dark and Darker update brings new Sorcerer class. Season 5 Patch notes are quite interesting
Dark and Darker enters Season 5. Here you will learn the most interesting changes. However, the go-live was not as easy as the developers have planned.

Not that long ago, we have seen fierce competition between two of the biggest representatives of dungeon crawler genre – Dungeonborne and Dark and Darker. The latter does not want to give its ground easily and pushes for further updates. The latest one happened just recently and introduces Season #5 of Early Access stage of this game. This long-awaited patch brings a lot of novelties, adding some big features, while also introducing many minor fixes and changes. Not everything went as planned, however, so let’s see what has transpired and highlight the most significant content additions.
DaD Season 5 patch info highlights
Ironmace does not slow down with the development of Dark and Darker, enriching it with more and more features. The next Season’s patch notes are rather lengthy and convey a lot of detailed information, yet let’s try to highlight the most groundbreaking and most interesting changes, at least in our opinion:
- First and foremost, the new Sorcerer class has been added. The main theme of that character is mastery of elements and ability to mix multiple spells resulting in various outcomes.
- The game has made its first steps towards a random dungeon system to make the adventure wilder and unforeseen. As of now, the effects will be visible only in the “Crypts” level, yet down the line the plan is to introduce more randomly generated biomes.
- A continuous matchmaking system has been added. It is said to allow extracting or going down to the next level earlier. What is more, now it will be possible to enter a dungeon that is currently in session.
- Randomized rewards have been implemented to the quests system. Thanks to it, after completing a task, there will be a pool of items that can be obtained.
- From other tweaks, item sockets have been added allowing for gear customization with gems.
- A fresh achievements system was introduced, which can scratch an itch for achievement hunters out there, as well as adding new goals and depth to the title.
- Lastly, the quest system has been readjusted, allowing for synchronization across all of your characters.
Bear in mind that most of the features are still experimental and are subject to change, so if you would like to voice your opinion about those, now is the best time to do so.
Should you need more detailed information, you can refer to the link above, where a lot more tweaks have been described.
Dark and Darker Season 5 problems
It may seem that releasing an update for a game is just a click of a button. Well, while it can be the case in most scenarios, it definitely is not like that for every single instance. The best example is the recent attempt of Dark and Darker update with Season #5.
On DaD’s official discord server, we can find an information that there was a delay. Following the UTC timeline:
- The work regarding database replacement was supposed to take place on December 18, 2024, at 1PM and last for approximately 8 hours. During that time the title was supposed to be inaccessible for players.
- On the same day, around 6:30PM, we learnt that it would take longer than expected, adding 4 hours to the estimated time.
- 4 hours later the information came saying that there are further troubles with database migration, and it was postponed for the next 2 hours.
- At 1AM December 19, 2024, there was an update that the developers have to start their work from scratch.
- Eventually, at 9AM we were informed that the DB improvement will happen next season, and the Season #5 patch should be online within an hour. Now, the game should be online.
The purpose of this was to introduce a more stable and efficient database, that will allow for better game performance, yet as we can see even the best intentions cannot always work as planned.
Let’s hope that the changes in the new patch will be well worth the wait. Have fun!