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News guides 27 September 2024, 02:02

Throne and Liberty - You Cannot Play Multiplayer Games Online Bug Explained

If you are not able to play Throne and Liberty due to „You cannot play multiplayer games online”, you might want to check out this article to learn more about what is happening.

Source: Throne and Liberty, Developer: NCsoft

It is hard to stop a hype train in its tracks. Developers, or rather publishers, know it well and try to capitalize on this fact as much as they can. Hence the recent popularity of Early Access (or Steam’s Advanced Access) that allows fans to play the games they have waited for so long several days earlier. Throne and Liberty, created by Korean studio NCsoft, is an MMORPG that joins the Early Access pack. Players who decided to jump into the fray first, especially those using Xbox, can be unpleasantly surprised by “You cannot play multiplayer games online because of how your account is set up.” error message. Here you will learn more information about this irritating problem.

You cannot play multiplayer games online error in TaL explained

Imagine that you are paying extra for a game to play it earlier, only to not being able to do so. Unfortunately, that’s the case that some fans encountered in Throne and Liberty. This issue is plaguing Xbox players and has been around for some time now. Sadly, there is no immediate fix for "You cannot play multiplayer games online because of how your account is set up." as of now.

The only available solution for now is to wait. As stated on official Amazon Games site, which is responsible for publishing the title, the problem is currently under investigation. Hopefully, the official resolution will come soon, alongside some compensation for affected fans, as they cannot enjoy the production, they have paid additional cost for.

As difficult as it might be, refraining from buying games early is a good idea. We have to remember that those products are very advanced and intricate, which means that they require additional effort, money, and above all, time, to be delivered in acceptable state.

We have seen productions that were not working well on their proper premiere date, including sizable day-one patches fixing numerous errors and bugs. It shouldn’t be surprising that many devs have a hard time to offer fully functional title before it’s official debut. Stay patient and keep an eye out for the new patches and communication, as well as server status. Good luck!

Aleksander Kartasinski

Aleksander Kartasinski

Just a random from the depths of the internet who happens to be interested in video games like millions of other people on this planet. By sheer luck he was given a chance to write about them. Worked in IT department and supported users for way too long, but also given a chance to do some IT magic on a large scale in his free time. Interested in technology, games with intriguing mechanics, etymology, and linguistics.
