The Witcher Series Premieres on Netflix
As announced, The Witcher, an adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy saga, made its debut on Netflix. The first season consists of eight episodes and all of them are available simultaneously.
The moment for which fantasy fans have been waiting for a long time has finally come. At midnight, the first season of The Witcher series debuted on Netflix.
The producers have prepared eight episodes. In accordance with Netflix traditions, all episodes were made available simultaneously.
The biggest fans are likely to make short work of all eight episodes quickly. Fortunately, the story of this incarnation of Geralt of Rivia will not end there. Netflix has already ordered the second season of the Witcher, but so far we do not know when we will see it.
It is worth recalling that the last weeks have been very fruitful for those waiting for the premiere of the series. Two tracks from the soundtrack and three videos presenting the main characters were released. There was also material in which Henry Cavill reads the short story Last Wish.
After the last season of Game of Thrones, viewers are hungry for new fantasy shows and the Witcher is the first premiere to fill the gap left by HBO's hit. Many other productions of this type are waiting in line, including the adaptation of The Wheel of Time, The Lord of the Rings series and the prequel to Game of Thrones.
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