Here's What Players are Missing in Next-gen The Witcher 3
What mechanics should appear in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? The community shares some insightful comments.
Next-gen version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt introduced quite a lot of new features, which are not just down to the visuals. Players are constantly discovering new details, and some of them are trying to decipher the meaning of some secrets, as we mentioned in the past. However, fans of Geralt's adventures are still not satisfied, as can be seen, for example, on Reddit, where the community writes about things that should be implemented in the game.
The Witcher 3 even more immersive
In a thread on reddit one player started the discussion by presenting a certain mechanic that he feels is missing from the third installment of The Witcher. The feature in question is sitting on a chair in the inn and while it's a completely trivial detail, it could actually enhance immersion.
He is secinded by many users of the website, and some have begun to list other mechanics that are missing from the game.
"I would also like to be able to sleep in inns or set up camp."
"I would like to be able to dance in front of musicians."
"There should be a bath option, like in Red Dead Redemption 2, or like before visiting the emperor."
One user pointed out that he's a bit puzzled why RPGs often lack little things like the ability to sit down where you want, the animation of eating, drinking or going to bed, because such details would benefit the immersion that many players want.. I agree with this opinion, and I myself would like to add that in the third installment of The Witcher there was an option to prepare simple meals, because Geralt doesn't have to be condemned to constantly shopping, robbing houses or checking if by chance one of his hapless rivals doesn't have a chicken sandwich in his pocket.
Expectations were partially met
Even before the release of the next-gen update, I wrote about player expectations for the Complete Edition. Out of curiosity, I went back to that text and it turned out that a significant part of it has been fulfilled. Fans of the White Wolf's adventures have been demanding more quests, and it can be considered that they have succeeded, as CD Projekt RED has added a quest called "In the Shadow of Eternal Fire," which can be completed in Velen.
The community also hoped for a quick trip to the Blood Baron's castle, as well as a photo mode, and as it turned out - they got it, as both of these options were added to the game. Fans of the herbalist Tomira hoped for the possibility of romancing her, but unfortunately nothing came of it.
What mechanics would you guys like to see in the game? Share your ideas in the comments.
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