The Long Dark Story Mode won't be out any time soon
The Long Dark Story Mode was supposed to be out in Spring 2016, but it’s not going to happen. Hinterland Games decided to expand their project and adjust the release policy, which resulted in delaying the launch.
A couple of months back, The Long Dark fans were promised they’d be able to put their hands on the long-awaited Story Mode in Spring 2016. However, the relese had to be postponed. In a lengthy post on their official website, Hinterland Games explained that the overwhelimg popularity of their sandbox survival project encouraged them to expand it beyond the original plans. The main innovation was adding another playable character, Dr. Astrid Greenwod. She is said to be a strong female character that will let players experience the story from a different angle.

Those who have already been playing The Long Dark Sandbox Mode for many hours will be happy to hear that the Story Mode will be set in brand new regions and will offer some fresh game mechanics. Moreover, all cut-scenes will be in 3D, with motion-captured animation and facial expressions. Hinterland had the following to say about the release policy:
The original plan was to launch a 2-hour episode and then continue to expand on it. But you can’t launch a 2-hour game in this competitive, Steam-refund, Youtube-orientated marketplace. So, instead, we’ll be launching Story Mode with the first 2 episodes of our 5-episode Season One, amounting to between 4-6 hours of Story gameplay.
Unfortunately, this time the studio wouldn’t tell us when we can expect the Story Mode to launch. It will be out when it’s done, and it’s not done yet.