The Last of Us Remake on PC Coming Out Soon After PS5 Version
PC gamers waiting for the remake of The Last of Us can start counting down the days. Admittedly, the exact release date on PC is not yet available, but according to one of the developers, our patience will not be put to the test.

Released in 2013 The Last of Us will soon - on September 2 - arrive in a refreshed (for the second time) version for PS5 consoles. The anticipation of the release is accompanied by various materials, such as visual comparisons of the original with the remake.
PC gamers can also slowly get ready to get to know the story of Ellie and Joel, as the release date of the PC version, although not yet announced, may come sooner than we think.
This is evidenced by the words of one of the Naughty Dog employees working on TLoU: Part I - Jonathan Benainous - who responded to a gamer's question on Twitter, about the PC release.
According to the developer The Last of Us: Part I would be released on PC "very shortly" after the game's PlayStation 5 release.
So it is very likely that PC gamers will be able to dive into the post-apocalyptic world along with Sony console owners very soon - maybe even before the end of this year.
Another issue is whether the remake of TLoU will turn out to be good enough. Last week's leaks of gameplay fragments proved disappointing to some players, and all doubts were not dispelled even by the official gameplay presentation, published in response to accusations of a lack of significant changes compared to the original.
On how The Last of Us: Part I actually performs, PS5 gamers will find out already on September 2.