The Daedalian Keys And How to Find Them in Hogwarts Legacy

When exploring Hogwarts, you can come across the Daedalian Keys. On this page, you will learn what are they for, where to find them, and what you can get with House Tokens.

Dawid Lubczynski


This guide page for Hogwarts Legacy contains information about the locations of the Daedalian Keys and what you can do with them. You will also read about House Tokens, which are closely related to the keys.

Hogwarts Legacy Interactive Maps

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We've prepared interactive maps for Hogwarts Legacy that contain the game's secrets, collectibles, Merlin trails, collection chests, ancient magic hotspots, sidequests and more. Make sure to check out our original guide and the interactive maps.

How to unlock a quest with Daedalian Keys?

The quest with Daedalian Keys will be unlocked soon after you return from your first journey to Hogsmeade. You will receive it from Nellie Oggspire, a student from Gryffindor. It is located in The Astronomy Wing at Hogwarts, more specifically the Transfiguration Courtyard.

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Talk to her to get the quest. Then you will have to go to the Astronomy Tower, where you will find the first Daedalian Key and the cabinet, which you will open with it.

Use of Daedalian Keys and House Tokens

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They are used, among other things, to unlock locked cabinets. They usually contain House Tokens. There are 16 of them in Hogwarts.

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You can put the collected Tokens in the box that is located in your House. By collecting all the Tokens, you will receive an outfit with the logo of your House.

Opening cabinets

First you need to find a Daedalian Key. A good idea is to use Revelio so you can better locate them.

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When you find the key, you have to follow it. It will lead you to the cabinet that can be opened with it. Approach the cabinet and interact with it.

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This will open the cabinet. However, first you have to complete the mini-game by placing a Daedalian Key in the lock. It will change its location several times. Your task is to press the right button when the key goes through the middle.

Daedalian Key #1

The first key is found during the introduction to The Daedalian Keys quest.

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Go to the quest marker. You'll have to get to the Astronomical Tower in the Astronomical Wing. While climbing the stairs to the very top, you will come across the first Daedalian Key. It will fly towards the cabinet, leaving behind a golden trail. Follow it and then open the cabinet.

Unfortunately, you will have to search for the next keys yourself, without any markers.

Daedalian Key #2

The second key and the cabinet are in the Astronomical Wing, close to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Class Floo Flame. At the entrance to the hall, you will find stairs leading to the lower floor. Head down there and move towards the skeleton of the animal on the table. This is where the Daedalian key is located.

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Then follow it to the top floor. Go to the very end of the corridor - the cabinet is on the right.

Daedalian Key #3

To get the third key, go to Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame in The Grand Staircase sector. As soon as you arrive at this location, turn right and go down.

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Near the door with a puzzle, on the railing you will find the Daedalian Key. Follow it all the way down. If you lose the key or don't find the cabinet, use the Revelio spell.

Daedalian Key #4

The fourth key is also in The Grand Staircase sector, but first, go to the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame. Head right and then go up the stairs. Use Revelio to find the Daedalian Key faster.

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All you need now is to follow the key to the cabinet with a House Token. It will be near a door and a staircase.

Daedalian Key #5

You will get the next Daedalian Key by going to Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame in The Bell Tower Wing. After you have teleported there, turn left, climb the stairs and immediately go through the door in front of you.

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The key will be right behind the door, near the railing. Then, when you activate it, follow the key to the top. The cabinet will be on the left.

Daedalian Key #6

This time, go to The Great Hall Floo Flame. Go through the central door and keep walking straight ahead until you notice the railings and the staircase in front of you. That's where the Daedalian Key is.

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Then go down the stairs and turn right. The cabinet will be behind the boar statue.

Daedalian Key #7

The seventh key is also located in The Great Hall. However, instead of going through the central door, you will find the key by the fireplace, near the tables at which the students are sitting.

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Follow the key. Without leaving the Great Hall, look left to notice the stairs. Climb them. The cabinet will be on the top floor in front of you.

Daedalian Key #8

This time, you will have to unlock the Secret Rooms sector and move to the Map Chamber Floo Flame. When you arrive at this location, turn around and climb the stairs to the top. Go through the door, head down the stairs and go to the hallway straight ahead.

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That's where you'll find the Daedalian Key. Now all you have to do is follow it. The key will lead you to a cabinet near the barrels.

Daedalian Key #9

Another Daedalian Key is also in the Map Chamber Floo Flame. As with the eighth key, take the stairs up. This time, go down the hall. A statue of a sleeping dragon should appear before you. That's where the Key is.

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Now you just need to climb the stairs to the top, which will be to the left of the statue, and open the cabinet.

Daedalian Key #10

The tenth key is in The Library Annex, more specifically in the Potions Classroom. There will be a big door in front of you. Go through them, and in the next room on the left you will notice a Daedalian Key.

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Follow it down the stairs. The cabinet with a House Token will be in front of you.

Daedalian Key #11

To get the next Daedalian Key, go to the Central Hall Floo Flame (also in the Library Annex wing). Go down the stairs, then turn right, and the key will be at the staircase.

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Following it - climb the stairs, go straight and then down. The cabinet is on the right side, near the door with a puzzle.

Daedalian Key #12

As with the 11th key, go back to Central Hall Floo Flame. This time, take the stairs up. On the upper floor, on the right side you will have stairs. The Daedalian Key is located between them (behind the first staircase).

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Follow the key by backing up and going down the stairs. The cabinet is on the right side, with three moving paintings.

Daedalian Key #13

Another key in The Library Annex sector. This time, it's in the library.

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Use Revelio to find the Daedalian Key faster. It should be on the left side of the main entrance.

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The cabinet itself, however, will be in the further part of the library, in the middle of the corridor.

Daedalian Key #14

Go to The South Wing, and more precisely to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame. Go straight ahead, and after a while turn right, passing through the door (Gladwin Moon is standing by them - the easiest way to get that key is to complete his quest in which you will learn Alohomora). Then go up the stairs to the first floor. This is where you will find the Daedalian Key.

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At the very end, go back to the lower floor by going down the stairs. The cabinet is on the left.

Daedalian Key #15

Move to the Hospital Wing Floo Flame. There are stairs behind you that lead down. Go down. Then, on the right, in the corridor leading to the large gears, you will find a Daedalian Key.

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The closet is on the floor you got to by going down the stairs.

Daedalian Key #16

The last Daedalian Key will require you to know the spell Alohomora teached by Gladwin Moon. Go to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame in The South Wing.

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Then go to the door on the right and use Alohomora to unlock the lock.

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After that, take the stairs to the top. This is where you will find the Daedalian Key.

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Then go upstairs. The cabinet will be on the left side of the hallway.

Hogwarts Legacy

February 10, 2023

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Dawid  Lubczynski

Author: Dawid Lubczynski

He completed his first degree studies in journalism. His adventure with Gamepressure began in 2019 when he undertook the difficult art of writing complex game guides. Over the years, became a specialist genre; in his spare time, he reads about mixtures that will help him reduce stress after the thousandth death at the same stage of the game. A huge fan of fighting games (Tekken) who regularly participates in tournaments.

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