Tattoo for 600 Missions - Here's a Rare Achievement in GTA Online
GTA Online player boasts an extremely rare item - the Tattoo UFO, which requires the completion of „only” 600 time-consuming missions with bunker supplies and a lot of luck.

Rare items have always stirred people's imagination. It's no different with elusive treasures from video games, the harder to get, the more valuable. However, once we have them in our possession, it's not wrong not to boast about our achievement. This is exactly what user mahanpourfakhr did, after he managed to get an extremely rare UFO tattoo in Grand Theft Auto Online. Thanks to this, he gained over 5,000 likes on Reddit.
Unlocked the rarest item in the game after passing out 80 times ?? now I'm part of the club from r/gtaonline
How to get the UFO Tattoo in GTA Online?
It must be admitted that at first glance the tattoo does not make such an impression as the legendary armor and weapons of fantasy game heroes or even luxury vehicles. So it's not difficult to guess that the importance of this ornamentation comes from the trouble associated with its acquisition. UFO Tattoo appeared in the game with the debut of the After Hours update, but unlocking it is not easy. The first condition is to complete 600 bunker supply missions, which in itself is very time consuming. What's more, the game doesn't show us the number of completed quests of this type - we have to take notes of them ourselves.

Once we manage to deal with this challenge, we will get a chance to perform a special task, in which we have to transport the space egg. "A chance" because the mission cannot be started alone. Instead, we have to undertake another bunker supply mission between 21:00 and 23:00 (according to in-game time), which with a bit of luck will result in the appearance of a task with aliens.
Unfortunately, this is not the last stage with a random element. After completing the alien egg mission we have to go to a nightclub between 1:00 and 4:00 a.m. of game time during a storm, rain or snowfall. There we order a Macbeth drink until our character loses consciousness. If we are lucky, when we wake up we will find ourselves on Mount Chillad, we will see a UFO, and eventually an alien tattoo will appear on our back. However, if we decide to remove it and then want to put it back on, we will have to pay another (and probably not one) visit to the night club.
As you can see, getting the UFO Tattoo is as complicated as it is time consuming, as mahanpourfakh admits. He took the challenge seriously at the beginning of the year, performing at least two bunker supply missions every day. The nightclub stage also took a lot of time. He must have lost consciousness under the influence about 80 times before the game graciously decided to move him to Chillad. At the end of last year, another player reported that he needed almost a thousand attempts to complete the challenge. Others have been constantly tackling this task practically since the release of After Hours.

UFO Tattoo is not the only extremely rare item in GTA Online. Equally elusive is... a rusty tractor, requiring acquiring level 1000 in War Arena. What, if we believe Reddit users, would involve sacrificing about 3,000 hours of gameplay. Well, at least the players can't complain about lack of challenges.