learning from games Latest news

Ubisoft Will Burn Virtual Forests to Draw Attention to Climate Change
As part of the noble campaign called Playing for the Planet, fans will be able to save burning forests thanks to Riders Republic.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
July 6, 2022

Learn to Play Chess With This Minecraft Mod
A Minecraft player has created a mod that enables us to learn to play chess. GameBlocks is still in beta, but it is already impressive.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
January 24, 2022

Assassin's Creed: Origins as a Tool for Learning History of Egypt
Visiting ancient Egypt in Assassin's Creed: Origins was a lot of fun. But it turns out that the world created by Ubisoft, in addition to aesthetic value, also has a practical use - can be used to learn history.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
March 12, 2021

Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 Will Teach US History
One of the American universities came up with an unusual idea. It intends to use Red Dead Redeption 1 and Red Dead Redeption 2 to teach US history.
video games
Lukasz Stefaniak
February 16, 2021